Page 66 of Give

“I’m close, Luca, so fucking close.”

“Fuck, Heaven, I won’t last…” He lets out a moan, and I match his. My orgasms have always been out of this world, but we must be in a different galaxy. He drops his body next to mine and rolls me over to him.

“Goddamnit, Heaven. When I think it can’t get any better, it fucking does.”

I roll over closer to his strong and commanding body, and I’m back on my stomach. I perch my chin on my hands. “Does that mean we can do this again?”

He drops a kiss on my forehead. “Fuck, baby girl. Anytime you want.”

Oh, and I want.

* * *

“You’re not driving home at eleven o’clock at night, case closed,” Luca proclaimed before I left his apartment at seven this morning, as I mentioned in passing I’d not be home tonight until eleven p.m., returning to my own house.

I lost the argument, despite being a born negotiator and a trained lawyer.

And it’s how I find Anthony, one of Luca’s drivers, outside my office, leisurely waiting for me. I pick up my phone, a text ready for Luca in ten seconds.

Me:I can get myself out to the car you insisted on—by myself, you know?

Luca:I don’t like you being the only one on the floor this late.

Me:There’s security, and anyway, how did Anthony make it past them this late?

The return text is immediate.

Luca:Easy. Don’t you know I’m Luciano De Santos? I get my way. Oh, and I happen to know people.

He went through Penn.

Luca:Are you done for the night?

My to-do list is almost completed for the day, but not quite.

Me:I have a couple more things to do, thirty minutes.

There’s no reply, and all is forgotten when I open an email from Tucker, our investigator. My eyes can’t believe what I’m looking at. A class action suit from Keep it Greene Inc. against De Santos Inc. three years ago, stating DI used Greene’s elimination site as their own. The charges were civil, but an NDA had been signed and a non-disclosed amount was settled out of the courts, and I’m staring at the records along with a note in the email.


I’m assuming this was not in your discovery. It was buried so deep, I almost didn’t find it. Let me know how to handle this.


I can’t wait until the morning to speak with Tuck. I pick up the phone dialing his number.

“Ani, thought I’d hear from you soon. You got my email, I assume?”

“Yeah, and…”

“You’re involved with him, right? I mean, you could lie, I guess but I’m an investigator at the end of the day.”

This may not be a laughing matter, but I let out a sardonic one, anyway. “Yeah, no need to lie after all, to you of all people.” I’m an adult and a lawyer. Communication is the key to being successful. “There’s got to be a reason, right?” I ask…or hope.

He lets out a long deep exhale and the line is silent for a beat longer than is comfortable.

“You love him.” He stops and I don’t answer. “Hard words are coming, Ani. I hope you’re ready for them.”