I turn on my heels. “You make it sound like I’m a drunk and you’re my father. Which, neither is true, so go fuck off. Obviously, you’re here because you thought you were above following my simple request of leaving me the fuck alone, so don’t you dare think you can come into my house and boss me around because you can’t.”
He picks me up and spins me around, physically placing himself between me and where I keep my alcohol.
“I’m telling you we talk now, drink later, that’s all.”
I want to beat on his chest. “Who the hell do you think you are, asshole? I’m thirty years old and have been making my own decisions for twenty years.” I walk away, or attempt to, when another thought hits me. I spin around and face him. “You made me fall for you. You made me see a future with you. I should be demanding things, not the other way around.”
He hasn’t budged, not a centimeter. “Yeah, good luck with that one, baby girl.”
This man is so infuriating. I stand my ground, but he does, too, neither of us budging. “I’ll even fix you a drink when we’re done, but right this minute, you’re going to listen to me.”
His fingers reach for my chin, my eyes connecting with his at his command. “I’ve really missed you, Anisten. I want a chance to fix what I broke. Please?”
There’s a pleading in his question. He moves his fingers from my chin, reaching for my hand. “Please, baby?”
I don’t give him an answer but let him pull me to the couch where I tell myself there’s no future with Luca. I don’t really believe me either.
“How can you make a decision about us when you don’t know what I want?” My question hangs in the air, and her hands are still crossed over her chest like an ill-tempered child because I won’t allow her to have a drink.
“I’m not into dungeons, and whips, and....”
“Heaven,” I interrupt to stop her before she says something stupid. “You don’t come off as an ignorant woman, so don’t start now,” I order. “It’s nota step off the deep endsort of lifestyle. We go slow at your pace, as we have since the night of the wedding.” I let this sink in for a second. “Everything we did together wasn’t much different than what I’ve done in the past with a submissive.”
A flick of jealousy burns in her eyes. “I’m not your submissive, you forget that?”
“You aren’t? Everything we did was consensual, and yet, you gave up all control.”
She lets out a snarl, rolling her eyes. “I thought we were playing, role-playing to be specific, spicing up boring sex.”
A chuckle escapes my mouth. “Nothing about you and me together could ever be boring, Heaven.”
She bites her upper lip, making me want to bite her upper lip, too. “But it wasn’t real,what we shared was never real.”
She’s trying hard, and now I’m the lawyer with my closing statements. “And again, baby girl, don’t act stupid when I know you’re not. Everything about us was real, so fucking real that the thought of you with another man causes me to want to break him. You’re mine and mine alone.”
“I beg to differ. I belong to no one.”
I have too much to use as a rebuttal. “Oh, Heaven, the way your nipples harden for me under your top, or you crossing your legs because you’re wet, or that goddamn lip I could suck on for days while pushing my cock into your wet pussy…”
She visibly shivers again, like she’s on the brink of an orgasm.
“I can’t give you control.”
I pull for her hand, dropping a kiss on her forehand. “Don’t you realize you’re the one in control? You can take my power away from me at any point because once you tell me to stop, I stop. And that’s my promise.”
She’s quiet, and I know her brain is working overtime as I give her more to consider.
“I bet you’ve looked up Dungeon Elite. You most likely have questions, and I find that experiencing it first-hand will answer a lot. Tomorrow night is a small event for those with Elite membership. It’s a new tier and is limited to a small amount of Doms and their guests.” I don’t dare say subs because she’ll buck like a horse just out of the gates. “Come with me, explore. You won’t be in a large group of people. When you say it’s time to leave, we leave.”
“I don’t know.” She’s hesitant. Her tone isn’t defiant but her head is turned away from me.
I push from my seat and help myself to the liquor in her cabinet that I’d forbidden her from drinking only half an hour earlier. Pouring the vodka and tonic together, reaching for a lemon in her fridge, and squeezing a generous portion, I leave it on the counter for her.
I walk out of her house without as much as a goodbye. Will she give in to what we can be together? It’s in her hands, but I know this much—I won’t stop fighting for us.
* * *