“Okay, if you say so,” I avert my line of sight to Shaelyn, “but please send him an email relaying this, and the fact that he’s currently on my shit list.”
Shaelyn nods, leaving without another word.
“You really are an asshole at times, Slick.”
Her hand is still on my arm. “And you’re making me a nicer person. This is a problem because I have an image to uphold.”
At this very moment, as her body inches closer to mine, Murph barges into my office and she jerks her touch away. Murph looks from me to Anisten with questions in his eyes.
“Did you go out and find a prettier date than me, Luc?”
“Luc?” she asks as if the idea is foreign.
“Yeah, for the select few, like me,” he answers, and I don’t have a chance to speak when Murph’s smugness and hisI like this girllook has me about ready to fuck up my best friend.
“Back off, Murph, I will end you,” I warn, my eyes darting to Anisten.
I don’t worry about her glare, just that Murph understands that if she’s anybody’s, she’ll be mine.
“I’m Finnegan Murphy, milady.” He reaches his hand out to her, and I slap it away.
“You may be like a brother to me, but you’re pissing me the fuck off, Murph, and you’re about to be missing a couple fingers, asshole.”
He backs away from Anisten, his hands up in surrender.
“I’m Anisten Atkins. And I was just leaving. It was nice to meet you, Finnegan. But one thing?”
His attention is piqued by her question, and so is mine.
“You can ask me anything, beautiful.”
I grunt and place myself between him and Anisten.
“Don’t worry, Luc. I’m messing with you.” He promises but turns his attention back to my girl.
“How do you put up with this man? Has he always been so fucking bossy?” she asks.
Murph smiles at this question. “He sort of grew into it, I’d say.”
She shifts her attention back at me, her eyes a little playful. It’s the first time since the wedding I’ve seen a bit of mischief in them.
“This explains things.” She lets out a nervous chuckle, and I want to swallow it up. I miss her taste. “Well, you two look dapper for your date, so I’ll let you get to it.” I stop her from leaving, as is her intention, and I pull at her waist and back her into my body and my hard-on.
“Murph, can you give me a second, please?” I ask. I never ask; I simply demand.
“Are you feeling well, Luc? You’re being nice. Must be all you, Ms. Atkins, because I’ve known him since we were six and the motherfucker never asks.”
Murph leaves the room without another word, closing the door behind him.
“See, you’re a good influence on me, Heaven.”
I peer over her shoulders and she purses her lips together, crossing her arms at her chest. “Maybe I am, but I’m positive you’re a bad influence on me.”
“Perhaps, but being bad can be fun, you know,” I quip, and there’s a sense of peace between us.
“Okay, that’s my cue. I’m leaving, but you need to let go of me, please.” I do as she asks but spin her around to watch her with my following words.
“This is a charity event. Shit, I can’t get out of it.”