Page 17 of Give

“Penn, you know my struggles. No one here takes me seriously. If I like the man, which I do, there’s no denying it, I can’t take a chance of others thinking I’m using him to climb the corporate ladder.” It’s been my biggest concern, since my run-in with Jeffery.

Penn’s kind eyes soften, and his brows knit together. His lips split into a sympathetic smile. “Ani, more people than not see you as a talented lawyer. Those who truly believe in you won’t judge you because they understand your character. If you live your life for others, people like Jeffery Mann will continue to control it. You’re not only an employee, Ani, you’re my friend. I’m ashamed I didn’t have your back before, but I will moving forward, and jackasses like Jeffery can simply go fuck themselves.”

He pushes from his seat. “You’re one of the good ones. Again, I’m sorry I doubted you.” He’s out of my office, and I’m left to wonder about Luca. Is he different than the overbearing, controlling asshole he lets the world see? Is he worth it?


“Shaelyn,” I call out through the door, not utilizing the intercom. “Shaelyn!” I scream this time. She knows when I call, she better answer.

“I’m coming, Sir.” She’s through the door, and I don’t have to ask. She understands the crisis the second her eyes fall on me. “Do you need me to get that?” She points to my suit.

“I didn’t call you in here for a tea party,” I dryly reply. She doesn’t tense up at my words. She knows me too well. Why is it that I can’t, as an overly dominant alpha, fall for a woman as meek and willing to please as Shaelyn? She’s attractive. I like pretty things, but never an ounce of sexual curiosity about my young and beautiful secretary.

She assembles my bow tie in this fucking monkey suit in three seconds, turning around and walking back toward her office. “Oh, and, Shaelyn,” I begin.

She snaps her attention toward me, waiting for her following instructions. “Yes, Sir.”

“Thanks for your help. I appreciate it.”

She stares my way as if my words don’t make sense. “You’re welcome, Sir.”

She’s out of the door, closing it behind her. Somehow Anisten Atkins’ niceness, the need to be courteous, is wearing off on me. But there’s more about Anisten’s presence in my life. Sure, I’m a bit more courteous to my staff, at least Shaelyn, but I’d never called another person to not only explain but to apologize for my actions.

It took me several days to get my wits about me. Anisten did the one thing no one does to me. She told me no. Why would she come back to me by putting her job in harm’s way? It was a dick move that could have cost Anisten her livelihood. It’s a wonder she didn’t slap me in the face. It’s what I deserved.

And here lies my conundrum. I’ve never cared for putting another person’s career in jeopardy, like I’d never thanked an employee as I had with Shaelyn. If Anisten makes me a better version of myself, why wouldn’t I want her in my life? It only makes me wonder more about the girl who has captivated my every thought.

I move back to the invitation on my desk. Last week, I’d been itching to ask Anisten to this circus of sorts. My mother’s charity events are always a little overwhelming and unprecedented. Still, I’d not had the heart to ask another woman. They would mean nothing to me, not like Anisten does.

There’s a knock on my door, and I expect Murph. “Come in, Murph,” I call out, and as the door opens, I’m surprised by the person in my doorway. It’s not Murph, he’s my plus one for the evening, and my parents love him, more than me at times.

“Ms. Atkins, I wasn’t expecting you. Please come in.”

On an average day, I’m squared away and impeccably dressed but tonight my tux is more than above average.

"Sorry to disturb you. I won't be long." The room grows quiet, neither one of us speaking. I take this time to admire her beauty. Her long black dress fits her snug around the waist, accentuating her round ass. Simple silver earrings hang from her ears, and her hair is pulled back in a fancy, stylish bun. Anisten's entire face is not hidden from me, and I admire her beauty. I've missed her. She's burrowed herself into my heart without permission. But, I find I want her to stay there. "Um, anyway," she mutters, pulling a rogue strand of hair away from her eyes. "Thank you for speaking with Penn about me and being honest, setting the record straight."

I pour two glasses of bourbon, offering her one. She shakes her head in protest, staying near the door.

“No reason to thank me, Heaven. It was the right thing to do. I shouldn’t have used my position in that way.” I take a long sip of the amber liquid. “Was there something else I could do for you?” I would do anything to make her stay in my personal space just a little longer.

“Yes, I’m sorry. I must be keeping you from something. But, while I’m here, there’s a situation I’d like to address.”

She averts her attention away from me. I cross the room and am less than a couple inches from her body. I can’t touch her because I won’t stop.

“Get something straight, Heaven; you won’t ever be keeping me from anything, not when you’re right in front of me.”

She shivers, visibly shivers. “Well, good to know.” There’s a pause, and she stares straight into my eyes. “I’ve asked Mr. Lane for information. Something you said the other night, about your competitors, and such. He wasn’t willing to share anything from the past until I insisted, and I’ve yet to get the information….”

“Shaelyn,” I call through the door and visibly scare Anisten.

Shaelyn is immediately in front of me as if she sprinted. “Get Harry Lane up here, ASAP.”

“I’m sorry, Sir, he left early. His son is getting married this weekend. He’s on a plane to New York.”

Harry knows I don’t deal well with incompetence. “Very well, send him an email. Instruct him to have his secretary return to the office to pull everything Ms. Atkins had asked him for several days ago.”

Anisten rests her hand on my forearm. “He’s at a wedding. It’s Friday. I won’t work on it until Monday anyway.”