Penn isn’t backing down, his eyes still storming like a hurricane ready to hit. “I’m going to be as clear as I can. Work with Luciano De Santos. That’s all I’m going to say, and I better not get one more call from him, where your exact words were, ‘I’ll get back to you at my earliest convenience’.” I cringe because thoseweremy exact words, and he continues, “Just understand your name can be taken from the building easier than it was to put on.”
He’s out of my office. I’m stunned by his words and threats.
I pull out my briefcase and autumn coat, step through my doorway, and begin to speak to Caroline. “I’m not sure if I’ll return today. From now on, if that pompous jackass wants me, I’ll drop everything and take his call.”
Funny, I don’t have to say whom I’m speaking of. “Could you look up the corporate office address for De Santos Environmental, and send it to my phone, please?”
She doesn’t say another word, nor do I. I’m off to set the record straight with this fucker, and I’ll be the one walking away; my rules are the ones he’ll be following.
* * *
“Ms. Atkins,” his secretary greets me as I step off the elevator to the executive suite. No one stops me, and with it being my first time here, everyone greets me by my name, making this coming to Jesus moment easier as every person has given me directions to the big man himself.
“He’s expecting you, ma’am; you can head on in.”
“I’m sure he is.” My pace is hurried, and I’m ready to take his head off with each step closer to the jackass.
I push both doors open, a bit dramatic on my part, and behind the desk sits Luca with a smug smile.
“I’m in a shitty mood, Heaven. Fair warning.” He projects his voice like he has the fucking upper hand, and there’s nothing in this world that I want to do more than smack the self-righteous smirk off his face.
“You’re in a shitty mood? Christ, I just sat through a tongue-lashing and warning that if I mess up with you, my name will be removed from the building, and I’ll no longer have a job. Do you understand you’ve put a target on my back?”
He pushes from his chair to what looks like a well-stocked bar. “Want a drink?”
I take five large steps until I’m close enough I’m able to reach out and touch him. Though, it would be more like strangling his neck. “Do I look like I’m here for a social visit? Fuck, Luca, you don’t know how hard I’ve worked for years, and I’m a named partner. That’s unheard of, and you want to take it away because I won’t fall into your bed?”
He places what looks like scotch on the bar, wrapping his hands loosely around my wrists as he had the first time we were together. “You’ve already fallen into bed with me, Heaven. And secondly, I don’t want you to lose your job. Technically, if anyone would have told me they’d get back to me at their convenience, I would have already had their job.”
This man is so arrogant. “I didn’t take your call because I knew you’d demand something like a late-night dinner where you could wine and dine me.”
He releases only one hand and tips my chin to his line of sight. “And it’s why I called without the intention of you losing your job, but don’t worry, Ms. Atkins. You know where I stand. You’ll be back in bed with me one day, only after you beg for it.”
He steps away, and his touch no longer electrifies my body. “Be sure when I call, you take it. And when you’re ready to admit this thing between us is worth fighting for, you know where to find me. You’re dismissed, Ms. Atkins.”
The nerve of this fucking man. I turn as quickly as I came, with a warning for him. “I’ll be at your beck and call. But don’t ever fuck with my career again.”
Luciano De Santos strikes me as the type of man who doesn’t allow anyone to have the final word. My point is proven when his long steps block my exit. His eyes, like little balls of fire, contain both desire and anger.
“You, my sweet Heaven, don’t get the final word here!” His voice comes out as a demand but his caress up my arm is so tender, his fingers barely making contact as they dance up my arm. But what this does to me, I know in the here and now, I don’t have the willpower to walk away. But my anger is still present.
“You tried to fuck me over, Luca.” My own words have a bite to them, but my body is screaming to give in to this desire and the pull we share, for one last time. I can get Luca out of my system, have angry sex, which is sometimes the best, and then walk away.
His face brightens with a smile. “But right now, I’m trying to simply fuck you. And you want it, Heaven.”
I hate how my body is fighting against me, and the logic of my thirty years here on this earth.
I open the door to leave, my one last ditch effort to escape this temptation. He slams it behind me, but his words,you’ll be back in bed with me one day, only after you beg for it, play out in my mind and there’s no way I’m escaping him.
He cuts his gaze to mine. “My place or yours, Heaven?” he asks. “I’d not be as forward if I wasn’t positive your pussy isn’t dripping wet already.”
“You’re out of your mind.” But he’s not wrong. The piercing jet-black eyes burrow into my soul, reading me perfectly as if I’m a morning newspaper.
His hand slides up my skirt, bunching it up and stopping at my thigh. “I bet if I were to take a little swipe, it would confirm my suspicion, baby girl.”
“It’s baby girl now? I thought I was Heaven.”
“You’re baby girl whenever I want you to be my baby girl, but you’ll always be Heaven because I know what you feel like when I sink into your pussy. And that’s heaven, Heaven.”