Caroline and Tucker enter, both a little ragged from the past twenty-four hours. “What is it you need from me?” I have deep pockets. “Don’t let cost be a factor.”
“May I?” Caroline points to my desk. I nod my approval, and with her laptop, her attention is focused on the screen.
“Any leads on the three witnesses?” Penn asks.
“I’m working on it,” Tuck answers. All three fall into their own path, and I pull for Bryan.
“We’ll be in the living room if you need us.”
I’ve never felt so helpless before in my life, as I do now.
Two days of evidence upon evidence piles up. This case seems like a slam dunk for a conviction. If I’d been asked to take it, I’d decline. The evidence is rock solid, and someone is serving me up on a silver platter as their pawn.
The arraignment is scheduled for today, and with a modest suit Caroline has fetched for me from my brownstone, I dress, my fingers shaking as I attempt to button up my jacket.
“Heaven?” Luc’s tone is low and calming, but I understand it’s a front; he’s holding it all together for me, and the thought of it shatters me inside. There’s too much uncertainty for my racing thoughts to handle. But as he’s showing his strength, I refuse to display my own fear.
“You’re shaking, baby. Want me to help you with that?” he asks, emptying the space between us.
“I’m okay, Luc,” I lie, and with one flash of his eyes on mine, he knows it.
“You’re not, and you don’t have to pretend with me.”
I don’t need words of affirmation, but his arms bring me into his tight body. He can sense my desire, and I tilt my head to the side.
“It’s okay to be scared, because I am,” he admits.
“I can’t believe this is my life. A week ago, we were picking Bristol up from the airport, and today I have to plead guilty or not guilty before a court of law.”
He kisses my forehead, his arms keeping me safe, and it’s the security I covet.
“I’m the one who let you down. You had a sixth sense about Harry Lane, and now not only is he dead, but any leads are, too.”
I pull back, remembering Jewel’s words from a couple months ago.
“Luc, baby, just because you’re an alpha male through and through doesn’t mean you have an exemption from being human. Trusting people isn’t a sign of weakness, Luciano De Santos. Building walls around yourself where you can’t liveis a weakness.You’re the man I’m growing old with, not sure you know this,” I smirk because he’ll have something to say about my forwardness, “and what I want in my life partner is a loving, caring soul. Sure, your dominant nature is part of you, and I love it, but you’ve got to know, believing in those around you will never make you weak.”
“You better not have asked me what I think you asked me.” His tone reverts to his bossy, dominant one. “Because I’ll do the asking when it comes to spending our life together, Heaven.”
“I’m just stating facts.” We’re playful, as though we’re not fighting for our freedom to grow old together.
“And I’ll be the one to state the facts, Heaven.” I nuzzle further into the crook of his neck, almost forgetting the plight we find ourselves in today.
I love the gentle nature he only lets me see. It’s his ultimate sign of trust. He pulls back, a glint of humor returning between us after several days of unrest.
“You know, right?” he asks, inclining my green eyes to his line of sight.
I answer with an impressive and emphatic nod, both dramatic and animated. His black eyes soften at my gesture, and his mouth parts, crashing his lips to mine. It’s soft, slow, and thoughtful. As always, when his tongue touches mine, it sends shivers of desire speeding through my body. And when he gently pulls away, it leaves my mouth burning with fire, and only he can extinguish the flame.
We’ve not made love. Four days, and it’s a record, but my comfort has been in his body next to me each night, holding me as though it’s his promise he’ll never let go.
“I know, Luciano De Santos, in my entire soul and my heart that beats solely for you, I know what this is between us.”
We don’t have to say I love you, but it’s always there.
* * *