She opens her mouth to speak and closes it quickly. “I’m happy for you. Everyone deserves to have a guy look at them the way you do with Ms. Atkins. And I’ve not missed how she returns the affection with the same adoration. You may not realize this, but sometimes you close your eyes after staring at her, as though you’re savoring every memory you both have made together. It’s beautiful to witness.”
“I never realized this, but I do cherish her. She is a special woman.” I pause and I don’t think we’ve spoken longer than this in the five years she’s worked with me. “You have someone special?” I ask.
“Thought I did. We called it quits about three months ago. It’s for the best.” Her explanation is quick. “But thanks for asking. One day, I’ll get there.”
Her phone rings, interrupting us. “Sorry, Sir, this is Caroline.” She pauses to answer. “Hello, Shaelyn Myott speaking.” She pauses as she listens. “Yes, I’m with him. I’ll let him know, Caroline. And thanks.” She swings her attention to me. “Anisten’s bail hearing is in an hour. Anthony is waiting outside to take you to the courthouse.”
“How’d Anthony get here?” I had been in a hurry to get to Anisten.
“I figured you’d need him. He drove me here, but I’ll just Uber back to the office.”
Shaelyn has made my day easier because she knows how I operate and what I need. “I could use your help. Would you come to the bail hearing with me?”
She nods her head. “Oh, and I almost forgot. They’re about to transfer Anisten, but they’ll allow you to see her.”
“Mr. De Santos,” a policeman calls from the other side of the long desk. “You have five minutes.”
I jump from my seat, Shaelyn not moving. “Can you ask Anthony to be ready in ten minutes?”
“Yes, Sir.” There has been something calming about Shaelyn, her kindness, changing the shitty situation. It’s still a shitshow no doubt, but funny how one person can make you see the world just a little bit gentler. Just like my Anisten does for me.
* * *
Anisten is still in the same pantsuit she had on this morning when she kissed me goodbye. Her hair she had pulled back in a tight bun is lying flat against her head, and tears stain her beautiful face. She sits on a metal bench, her line of sight turned away from the bars that separate us.
She moves swiftly toward me. “Luc, this wasn’t me. Please know, the tapes. The tapes will prove it.”
“Baby, I know you didn’t do it. But enough about that. Did they hurt you? Are your wrists okay?” I turn over her arms to inspect where they would have handcuffed her.
“No, they didn’t hurt me. Everything was by the book, I’m sure, since out of anyone, I know my rights. I’m just scared. How could this have happened? Harry Lane set up those interviews. Surely…”
“You were right, baby. I didn’t see it ormaybe couldn’t see it.” I lean down and kiss her knuckles. “I’m sorry, Heaven, but Harry is gone. He’s in the wind.”
Anisten’s eyes are large on a normal basis, like a doe, but when they widen, her shock is just as real as mine had been. Jerking her head back, then dropping it to the cold of the steel bars, she holds on to my hand as her lifeline.
“Ani, I let you down. I knew you and Harry butt heads all the time; I didn’t realize it was this bad. I should have known. I should have made it my job to know.”
Her eyes fill with tears. “I knew when we started seeing each other; there’d have to be a line drawn in the sand. I didn’t come to you because you’d act like my boyfriend, not my client. Same reason I didn’t tell you about the NDA Tucker found. It’s hard to distinguish between personal and business.” She reaches for my hand and squeezes my fingers. “This is not your fault. It’s not my fault. You didn’t let me down. You could never let me down. But I don’t think I’ll date a client again.” This could have been a funny joke, but she doesn’t laugh.
“Well, it’s good that you’ll never date again because you’re with me, and I’m not letting you go.” I tip her head to my line of sight. “We don’t have much time. They’re about to transfer you for the bond hearing, and….”
“This soon?” she asks.
“Penn pulled strings, I assume.” I kiss her knuckles again. “I’ll get you out, Heaven. Please know that, and…”
“Me, too, Luc. Me, too.”
Penn sits at the defendant’s table, a large heap of papers keeping his attention. Behind him is Luca. His eyes find mine, and in his trust and love, it’s all I need. And for bail to be granted.
Penn’s attention moves to me as I maneuver around the table, and the bailiff removes my restraints. “You okay, Ani?”
“Really, Penn?” I counter. “This is my dream Monday, you know.”
I turn my attention to voices when Lars, Titus, Murph, Laura, and Dean enter the court. I need them, but as tough as Luca attempts to act, he needs them just as much. With Murph on one side and Titus on the other, I know his friends will pick him up since I can’t. Luca’s arrogant demeanor is gone and in its place is a man who doesn’t know how to help me.