Page 53 of Give

We twist back around in our stools and watch the bartender as he reruns it. After the third time, he returns to Jeffery's table with the same news. He hands him another credit card, and when the poor kid reruns it, I call him over to me.

"Hey, Bobby.” I read his name tag. "That asshole is only going to get angrier each time, and we both know none of his cards will work. So, let me cover his bill, as long as you can deliver a little note from me. And I promise you, you'll get a great tip out of it."

"Sure thing. Sounds like a win to me." I hand over my card, pay Jeffery's tab, and close out mine and Murph's. He hands me the receipt for Jeffery's, and I leave a little note, as I promised.

Murph leans over and snickers at the words.

You’re lucky I didn’t throw you out a window; next time I might. Remember that if you ever have the urge to speak to my girl like that again.

I fold it, telling Bobby to give it only to Jeffery. We head to the door and wait for his reaction. "Sorry, Sir, your last card didn't work either, but a gentleman at the bar covered your tab. He wanted me to give you this." Jeffery's clients stand, not amused by the turn of events.

"If this is how you run your finances, I can't imagine what your firm is like." They walk away without a goodbye.

Jeffery reads the note, only to look around the bar. His eyes land on us, and I give him a little two-finger salute, and we both leave the bar vindicated.

I pull out my phone and send a text to Penn.

Me:You may want to reach out to Jeffery's client he was meeting with tonight. I bet he needs a new lawyer.

Penn was made aware of the way he treated Ani in front of me. He knew I'd not sit on it.

Penn:Fuck, what did you do? No, don't tell me. I don't want to know. But was it good?

Me:It was fucking epic.

“Be sure to reach out to your friend and have him unfreeze fucknut’s accounts, Murph.”

“Yeah, I’ll send him a text once I’m at the car. The bank will say it was a glitch.” Murph extends his arm around my shoulder, bringing me into a side bro hug. "Man, that was fucking fun. Next time someone pisses you off because they were a fuckface to your girl, count me in.”

Murph is right. It was fun watching Jeffery get payback.

* * *

“I can’t believe it. We’re on opposing teams,” I call from my bathroom while she finishes up in the bedroom. She’s quiet, without a witty comment. Walking toward the door leading to the room, I find it fun to watch her in a pair of jeans and tennis shoes for once. I’ve only seen her dressed down a handful of times, and she’s just as excited about the World Series as I am.

“There are two teams in Chicago, Luc. Not everyone has to like your team. Anyway, I don’t care who wins. You’re taking me to game six of the World Series.” She giggles like a little girl.

I lean up against the door frame, watching her face transform into what I’d guess the innocent girl version of Anisten would have been like.

“You light up like a Christmas tree at the thought of going to a baseball game, Heaven. I’ll make sure we’re at every home game, regardless of your questionable taste in teams.”

She pushes to her feet, and her destination is me. “I may even give you an extra blow job for every game you take me to,regardless of your questionable taste in teams.” Her sass has me wanting to unzip her jeans and give her an extra orgasm before the game. But we have little time to get there before they throw out the first pitch. I guess it will have to wait.

“The blow jobs, I’ll hold you to.” I stretch out my hand, she takes it, and we’re off to the game, one of many I have in my future with my Heaven.

Why would I watch the game when I can look into her eyes and enjoy the way her smile never leaves her face? When she’d casually said she was a huge baseball fan, I had no idea. We’re still getting to know one another, but as she spits out term after term for the sport, I know she’s more than just a fan. Obsessed is more like it.

“He was out by a mile, you stupid imbecile! You need glasses!” she calls when they rule the tie goes to the runner, and she doesn’t agree with that particular call. “He was out by a mile, an effing mile.”

I lean into her ear with a low whisper only she can hear. “So, you’re one ofthosefans.”

She swings her line of sight to me. “It’s the only kind of fan to be. In or out, and I’m all in when it comes to my team and this sport.”

Anisten is beautiful in every aspect of life. But right now, she’s so fucking cute, I can hardly keep my hands off of her. “What happened to this isthe World Series and I don’t care who wins?”

A large smirk takes over her red glossed lips. “I would never say something so silly.”

Hell, this woman is everything. “Oh, really, I’m positive you had though.”