“And I’m Anisten.” I’m a bit shy because I’m the new person.
Luc had claimed munches were very informal and I could talk to anyone as I would at a party. He’d continued to share that many of the subs couldn’t wait to meet the woman who broke Luciano De Santos.
“Come, let me introduce you to the rest of the gang. Currently, there are several Sirs that don’t have committed subs.” She links her arm with mine, pulling me farther from Luca. I look behind my shoulder where not only does he nod his approval, he’s grinning. Luca De Santos is grinning.
“Okay, everyone, this is Anisten. As you know, she belongs to Sir Luca. Be nice, we want to keep her.”
Three more women and two men sit around a circular table, and all eyes are on me.
“This is,” she begins counterclockwise with a very voluptuous redhead. “Lacey, Kaia, Carly, Martin, and Lars.”
All the women are dressed in casual clothes from jeans and form-fitting tops to yoga pants and t-shirts. It’s informal, and as the waitresses bring over brunch plates, everything seems so average and typical.
The waitress returns as we’re almost done with our breakfast, with a few pitchers of mimosas. The entire table turns to the other side of the room, erupting with appreciation. “Thanks, Master.” “Thanks, Daddy.” “Thanks, Sir.” The cacophony of thank-yous catches me off guard at first. This is something I’m not used to but with the adoration in each person’s eyes to their perspective Dom or Domme, there’s a love and affection I don’t see often with typical couples. It’s as if each person has a healthy level of obsession with their partner, as though the sun rises and sets because they’re lucky enough to have the other in their lives.
“So, tell us all about you, my dear,” Kaia, a woman in her early forties, chimes in.
“I’m a lawyer. I’ve been solely committed to my work since graduating law school. I’m a partner in my firm. I was born and raised in Akron and my dad’s a preacher.”
“Oh, girl,” Lars begins, a small-framed man with bleached blond hair. “So, you’re an alpha female through and through. We don’t have any alpha females in this group. No offense, ladies,” and he looks back at me, “but you’re going to be my new best friend.”
Everyone laughs, with comments about Lars as an alpha sub.
“How do you know I’m what you call an alpha female?” My eyes track a man who is making his way to our table, he’s tall and built like a wall. His skin is sun-kissed with a head full of dark blond hair peppered with silver strands.
“Brat, are you behaving yourself over here?” I have no idea who he’s talking to until Lars chimes in.
“Of course, Daddy. I’m just excited, seems like I found my match. I think Anisten and I will be fast friends.”
Lars’s Daddy stands behind him and drops a kiss on his shoulder. “You’re a handful, my boy, but I love you. Five minutes, and then we’re leaving.”
“Yes, Daddy.” He directs his attention back to me. “I’m a fashion designer; you can’t get to be a partner at our age or in top fashion without being the kind of person who kicks ass and takes names later.”
“It’s true. Lars doesn’t put up with shit from anyone, except for his daddy,” Laura explains.
“Now that’s not to say that they’re doormats, because they’re not.” This is Lars pointing to his friends. “Kaia runs a non-profit for childhood cancer and has to have balls of steel and a heart of gold for such a worthy cause. Carly is a kindergarten teacher and the kindest and most giving person the world has ever known. Lacey and Martin have a baking company that they run together. And Laura works alongside her husband at Vortex Vision.”
Any doubts I’ve had about venturing into this world, if I had any, are all put to rest because they’ve made me feel welcomed and appreciated. They’re everyday people who love this side of their lives. It’s all very typical for them.
Lars’s daddy comes back for him. “Gotta go. Can’t keep my daddy waiting.” He stands and takes a bow because in the thirty minutes I’ve known Lars, he’s as extra as they come. “Will we see you tonight, Anisten?” he asks.
“I think that’s the plan.”
He makes his way over to me, placing a kiss on my cheek. “Lovely to meet you.” He turns to the rest of the table. “Tata, biotches.”
I can’t get my mind around the enigma known as Lars when another man approaches us, and he doesn’t have a sub at this table.
“Ani?” Penn asks. “Would it be okay to talk to you for a moment? Luca gave his permission.”
Voices begin in hushed whispers around the table. “Oh, stop trying to make drama, you brats.” This gets the attention of everyone and they begin to snicker. “Anisten and I are both partners in the same firm.”
I push out of my chair and follow him to an empty spot in the club, still in the line of sight of everyone.
“I know you may feel uncomfortable that I’m a part of this club, with our closeness at work.”
The table hides my bouncy knee. I clear my throat to give myself more time to gather my thoughts. “I won’t lie, it’s got to be a little out of the norm.”
Penn scrubs the scruff of his chin. “For me, it’s very normal. Sure, I’ve not crossed paths with someone I consider a friend, but I’m very comfortable with this part of my life.”