Page 9 of Illegal Contact

Great, Monica had left the two of us alone.

Tucker groaned, stretching his arms over his head, and I went still, closing my eyes and slowing my breathing, hoping he’d stay asleep long enough for me to get the fuck out of there without having to deal with him. The night filtered through my brain in flashes and tightened in my stomach. I squeezed my eyes shut harder, trying to push the images away until the movement beside me stopped.

My clothes were on the floor just beside me, along with my shoes. I should be able to slide quietly out of the bed and get out the door with them before Tucker woke up; I just needed to be stealthy.

With that plan in mind, I peered through a slitted eyelid to check Tucker’s status again and nearly jumped out of my skin to find him staring at me.

He grinned. “Morning, Bougie. That pillow sleep alright, or was the lack of feathers a problem for your aristocratic neck?”

“I’ve slept on worse.” I feigned nonchalance. “Is she coming back?”

“What, to bring us donuts and coffee?” He laughed. “She had that early morning training session with a client, remember? Mmmm, I hit that tight ass again in her shower, though. I won’t be forgetting it anytime soon either.” He ran a hand over his chest and offered me a lazy smile that washed over me like a wave of heat. How was he so cavalier and mellow at the same time while my entire body was one big knot? Including my dick.

“No you didn’t.” I would’ve heard them, I was almost sure of it, and the intimate chuckle that followed confirmed it. He was just trying to get a rise out of me.

“Would’ve, though. Wish I had. Goddamn, what a night.” He sighed happily.

Another sliver of heat coiled in my stomach, accompanied by an unfamiliar prickle of jealousy that made no sense, so I was pretty sure it was just competitiveness and the fact that I hated the idea of Tucker getting one up on me—whether it was on the football field or with a woman. “Don’t you need to be somewhere?” I echoed his question from the night before.

“I’ve got as much time as I want to lie here and wait for her to come back. Bonus of being the home team.” Eyes still on me, Tucker arched his back in a luxurious stretch that highlighted the miles of hills, dips, and honed muscle that made up his naked chest. Why the fuck wasn’t I already on my feet and pulling on my clothes? Tucker’s grin widened at the tent he was making in the sheets and probably the fact that I’d looked a little too long at it. Definitely hadn’t meant to do that. I’d seen his dick enough for a lifetime last night. “Feeling a little intimidated, Whitt? Jealous?”

“Not a fucking chance,” I bit out, but I was feeling something as my gaze drifted back to that bulge, and I didn’t like it. Images of Tucker’s big hands gripping Monica’s waist wound through my brain, the slow, smooth piston of his hips as he moved inside her, his lips parted, eyes half-mast with pleasure stoking mine higher as she’d worked my cock. I’d never had an experience like that in my life, and Tucker seemed so fucking casual about it that it made me wonder if that was a regular thing for him. Threesomes, men, women, whatever he wanted. The guy could be having regular orgies, and the idea of that was oddly disconcerting as he wrapped a hand around his dick over the sheets and squeezed. Fuck, he had a nice dick, I’d give him that. No wonder he was slinging it around regularly. “You just gonna rub one out right here like a fucking heathen?” The question came out less accusatory and condescending than I’d hoped, and once again, Tucker offered an unruffled hitch of his shoulder.

“That a problem? You kinda look like you want to watch the magic.”

“I don’t.”

He grinned. “Feel free to join. You know that shit was hot as fuck last night.” He gave his dick another tug and let out a raspy groan that rocked my core. “I’ll even let you give me a hand if you want to.”

My instinct was to leap from the bed and get the fuck out, but he was giving me that look again, the challenging, amused one that said he was trying to see how far he could push me before I snapped, so I arched my back, too, mimicking his earlier stretch. It pushed the sheet down, and my cock sprang into the cool air. I smirked at how fucking quickly his gaze dropped to it. “Maybe I will.” I could match him, play for fucking play, any day. And I would.

Then he opened his damn mouth again. “Bullshit, Bougie. It’s okay to admit you’re terrified right now, that you were terrified last night, but you let that big fat fucking ego do all the directing, and now you’re panicking.”

Said ego flared to life. “Terrified? Panicking?” I scoffed. “If you’re trying to imply I’m a homophobe who’s gonna go home and freak the fuck out that another man’s hand brushed mine, you’ve got another think coming. I wasn’t keen to share, that’s all.” As I spoke the words, I realized they were mostly true. Tucker’s presence hadn’t bothered me because he was a man but because he was Malik Fucking Tucker and grated on my last nerve.

He arched a skeptical brow, and I rolled toward him, letting go of my dick as my body pressed into his warmth, my lips hovering near his. “I’m not a homophobe, and I’m not intimidated by you, Tucker, I promise you that.” Also mostly true. “Between us, you’ve got more ego than you have any right to. You’re overrated on the field, and you’re definitely overrated off of it.” I let the implied insult hang in the air as I wrapped a hand around his cock, and the shock in his face kept me there. “Know what else I think?” I squeezed his shaft. “I think you wanted me as much last night as you wanted her. Bet that burns you up, doesn’t it? Being curious about this ‘bougie’ mouth.”

Tucker’s grin was slow, dangerous, and made me suddenly too aware of how close we were, the fact that my hand was on his cock, the fact that I was more turned on now than I’d been last night.

“I think you’re playing an interesting game. Curious how far you’re gonna take it.”

“I think you underestimate me.”

“Nah.” With a viper’s quickness, Tucker steamrolled me, the lazy leonine pose a facade for the strength and speed he had on field, and I’d somehow not anticipated it. The length of his body pressed to mine, his cock flush on my naked abdomen, a velvety torture against my aching shaft. He dipped his head, lips close to my ear, breath warm and humid on the side of my neck. A trail of goose bumps rose up my back as he spoke. “You were watching me last night. Watching me like you were wondering how it might feel if I was behind you instead of her, wondering what it might feel like to suck this big dick—” He rolled his hips against me, and the friction along my shaft almost made me gasp. My hands flew to his hips instinctively as he continued. “You were wondering if I’d suck yours. Admit it, and I’ll do it. I’ve never had a complaint.”

I froze, my eyes widening, and the words that tumbled out of my mouth were louder, harsher than I intended, but I was afraid if I didn’t speak, if I didn’t fill the air with noise, I might actually succumb to his offer, might actually confess I’d been watching him last night, that it’d turned me on, that he’d turned me on. “The only thing I’m wondering right now is if you’re going to quit fucking around and get me off.” Words I’d never said to any man or woman in my life, but as I spoke them, heat mingled with desire raced through my body, and I was almost certain I could see the same in Tucker’s eyes.

The chuckle that rumbled in his chest was deeply amused as a hand closed around my throat and his lips hovered closer. I couldn’t tear my gaze from his, the amber flecks that darted through the depths of that brown showing me what really fucking scared me about this whole situation. Underlying lust. The kind that stayed with you. The kind that hooked you, made you crave things that defied logic, defied rivalry, defied everything I thought I knew about myself.

The fucker was teasing me before, but now he picked up the pace, rubbing his cock against me again, harder and faster, and despite my best intention to hold out, to watch him as he grew closer to the edge and then push him away and leave him hanging, the weight of him on me, the slide of his skin against mine, and the way his breath spilled from his lips in sharp, hungry gasps overrode all my senses. I was too horny, too turned on, and Tucker felt too fucking good. His breath came harsh in my ear, the hand he’d slid to the back of my neck tensing, fingers stroking the sensitive skin, but I didn’t fucking care, didn’t care about anything but the way his cock felt thrusting against mine.

With a harsh curse, I slipped my hand between our abdomens and wrapped both our cocks in my fist, jerking his against mine. Pleasure ignited in my veins and licked like flames through every part of me as heat jetted from the tip of my dick and spattered my abdomen.

The silence after was deafening. I couldn’t move, couldn’t think, couldn’t do anything but lie there, my chest heaving, still pinned beneath him. Our breaths mingled, and Tucker’s heart pounded against mine. There was something different in the depths of his gaze—vulnerability? Acknowledgment? Whatever it was, it scared the hell out of me.

A blink of his hooded eyes sent it away.

“You know, you’re a real fucking cliché, Bougie.” Tucker’s tone was dark and raw, his rock-hard dick still on me, his hand still around my throat. The aggressive way he used it to keep me in place, eyes still locked with mine, was almost as intoxicating as my orgasm had been.