Page 6 of Illegal Contact

After stepping out of my shoes, I went to tug my shirt off just as I heard, “We played a good game tonight. Our passes were on target, defense was tight. We wanted the win, and we got it. We’ll study some film and get ready for the next game.”

Fucking Whitt. Now, he’d plague my nightmares with his stupid, annoying, aristocratic voice. And stupid, fucking aristocratic looks. He was the definition of a bougie white dude—his short brown hair always sexily mussed but also looking styled at the same time. His eyes with those thick-ass lashes and blue irises that rivaled the ocean. I thought those eyes might hold some secrets. His jaw was square, almost in an unreal way, like someone had crafted his smug ass out of stone. Ugh. He still got on my last nerve. All he had to do was breathe.

“Study some film and get ready for the next game,” I mocked, turning in time to see his pompous smile. Cute smile, but still snobbish.

Cross laughed. “You guys must be close,” he teased.

“He wishes,” I replied, climbing into bed in my shorts.

“Yeah, I’ve heard he’s a dick.”

“That’s an understatement.” He was arrogant, annoying, and, unfortunately for me, sexy as fuck. Luckily, the second he opened his mouth, I typically forgot how much I wanted to bone him—if for no other reason than to make him come his brains out so he remembered for the rest of his life that I gave him the best orgasm he’d ever had.

Nope. I hadn’t thought about that before at all.

Clearly, I still had feelings when it came to Patrick Whitt. The years hadn’t changed anything except that ever since college, when I’d fucked around with a few guys, I could admit he got my dick hard.

We watched ESPN for a while so we could get caught up on who won their games before we hit the sack. Four came way too early, most of us half-dead and quiet as we headed for the airport and then back to Denver.

My house was smaller than most of the guys’ in the league. It already felt too empty, too quiet, so I couldn’t imagine if I had a mansion like some folks did. Sure, I couldn’t pretend it wasn’t bigger than anything I’d lived in when I was growing up, but it was a modest, four-bedroom house, which was big enough that if shit ever went down, my mama and my sisters could stay with me. Not having them around was why things felt too quiet. When we were together, we were always giving each other shit. That was how the Tuckers rolled.

I changed and went on a quick jog before heading back home and soaking in an ice bath that nearly froze my dick off.

Once I was dressed and ready for the day, I called Andre, the little brother I’d been assigned through a program for at-risk youth.

It was important to me to give back, to help kids who had grown up like me, without a father, whether it was from them being a deadbeat like my sperm donor or dead like the man who had been my dad in the ways that mattered.

“Hey, bro. What’s up?” I asked when he answered.

“Chillin’. I watched the game last night. You’re the fuckin’ man.”

“What did we say about cursing?”

He grumbled. “Please, it’s not like you don’t do it.”

He had a point, but I was also grown. “There’s a time and a place. Also, it’s disrespectful to curse in front of people who are older than you.”

“You’re right, I forgot you’re older than dirt,” Andre teased, chuckling. The little shit liked to give me hell, but I couldn’t pretend like I didn’t enjoy it. The fact that he felt comfortable enough to do so was important to me. Andre also didn’t treat me like I was famous, which I also loved. To him, I was a positive role model who cared about him, and there wasn’t a title more important than that.

We chatted for a little while and made plans to hang out before I ended the call.

We didn’t have practice today, so I grabbed my notebooks, settled in on the couch, and spent the rest of the day studying film for our upcoming games.

Our offense wasn’t going to run itself.

And later, when I climbed in the bed and beat off, there was a pair of pretty blue eyes and an annoying, regal jawline in my head.



The woman was a ten. Muscular and fit, with a smile that dazzled—one she’d been aiming in my direction since we’d arrived at Sway earlier. She was vaguely familiar, too, so as I finally slid into a pocket of space at the bar where she was sitting to make my move, I cocked my head. “Where do we know each other from?”

She laughed. “That’s your line?”

“It’s genuine curiosity.”

“If you’re wondering if we’ve slept together, I can assure you we haven’t.”