“But we’re a big enough group that we’ll keep you busy. Promise,” Khloe says.
“And we all tip well,” Devyn provides.
“Please say yes,” Em begs, her hands clasped in front of her.
Say yes? These women are offering me something I could never afford. As good as it all sounds, there’s no way I can do any of this.
I frown at them, the threat of tears burning the backs of my eyes.
“I don’t have the ability to do any—”
“The club will front the money,” Em says quickly. “If that’s what you’re worried about.”
“I can’t—”
“We’ll charge a booth rental fee or something. Babe?” Em says, looking over at Kincaid. “What’s a good monthly fee?”
Kincaid shrugs. “Twenty bucks?”
“Absolutely not,” I rush to say.
“Fifteen?” he counters, smiling when I narrow my eyes at him.
“This is ridiculous,” I mutter.
“It’s easier to just let it happen,” Devyn whispers.
I shake my head. Where in the world is Vincent? I need him right now.
Chapter 25
“I don’t think it’s crazy,” Newton says with a quick shrug.
He’s one of the newest guys. He’s not as outgoing and in your face as Oracle, but also nowhere close to as unapproachable as Hemlock is.
“I didn’t sayitwas crazy,” Ugly responds. “I said the people in town are going to think we’re crazy.”
“They already think we have a bomb shelter and years and years of supplies hidden away on the property,” Oracle interjects.
Ugly, Bishop, and I stare back at him.
“We do,” Bishop finally adds.
Raucous laughter fills the air as I watch Hemlock back one of the SUVs up with skilled precision to the trailer. As antisocial as he seems most days, he’s actually very involved with all that we do.
“I have no doubt there will be a damn miniseries about Cerberus eventually,” Oracle says, but there’s a smile on his face.
I shake my head. “Kincaid would never allow it. I think being self-sufficient is a great thing.”
“Me too,” Oracle says. “But a salon on the property? That may be going just a little too far.”
“Em loves the idea which means Kincaid loves the idea,” Bishop says. “And that only seems weird to those of you who don’t have a woman you’d walk through fire for.”
“Is this the only trailer you need?” Hemlock asks after climbing out of the SUV and walking toward our little group. “Or will you be taking two to Albuquerque?”
“Just the one,” I tell him. “Thanks, man.”