Page 83 of Stormy

Sutton releases the tongs but moves Vincent’s hand toward the tub of water with apples floating in it. She wants him to pull another apple out while she reaches into her trick or treat bag for another handful of candy.

“She’s going to make herself sick,” I mutter.

“She’s making me sick with just the smell of it,” he argues. “I can’t believe any child of mine would like candy corn.”

An exaggerated shudder runs through his body, and I laugh despite my tiredness.

“It’s not my favorite, but it’ll do in a pinch,” I say, smiling at Sutton when she offers some to Vincent by pressing the offending candy to his lips.

He opens his mouth, letting her shove the candy inside because that’s the type of man he is. He’s willing to eat something he despises because it makes his little girl smile.

I know what I have. I know how valuable this man is. I know I’d never find another one like him, not that I’d ever go looking. He’s given me and the kids a life here that most can only dream of.

It’s been two days since Mr. Dobbs went back to St. Louis. We signed the adoption paperwork and will be given a court date for the final hearing within the next couple of weeks.

He hasn’t mentioned marrying me again since. What started out as a playful game of cat and mouse has shifted. I think it’s really hurting him that I haven’t agreed, but I’ve also taken it so far, it feels impossible to take it back.

I’m spending the rest of my life with this man. He couldn’t rid himself of me if he tried.

I have no reason to keep fighting against it other than it’s the very last thing I have control over.

My heart is already his. My future, married or not, will be spent with him.

The boys come running up, Jace in his Spiderman costume and Luca dressed as Batman. They have wide smiles on their sticky faces, but the exhaustion is evident in their eyes.

Cerberus has been forced to isolate themselves more than most people do for safety reasons. At first, I didn’t understand it. I couldn’t fathom the danger that came with the club, how people were so willing to hurt them because they fought against the evils in the world.

That was until Mary, the nurse from St. Louis. Her loyalty was to Keres, more specifically the younger Larrick son, Rosco. Her lies and how she informed the club where she was and what our plans were could’ve gotten us killed. She was willing to let that happen. My life, and the lives of every man, woman, and child connected to Cerberus was worth her devotion to Rosco.

I understand now that Kincaid and the rest of Cerberus are right in the way they have segregated us from the rest of the world. They make strides in ensuring the kids have as normal a life as they can, and today they took great pains to ensure that Halloween for the kids was a good time.

We started with trick or treating around the neighborhood, which includes dozens of homes owned by Cerberus members. Their bags were so full of candy and treats, I ended up having to empty Sutton’s twice so it wasn’t too heavy for her to carry. We’ve had carnival-like games and of course the corn maze.

In my opinion, we’ve provided more than most kids would have.

“You guys look ready for bed,” I tell the boys.

“Can we play in the maze a little longer?”

I look to Vincent who stands, grabbing Sutton and placing her on his hip.

“Tomorrow. It’s not going anywhere,” he says. “Let’s get back to the clubhouse and get baths.”

The boys only grumble a little, but they’re all but dragging their feet as they climb the steps to enter the clubhouse. Per our routine, Jace grabs his pajamas and heads toward the room that Sutton has, my original room, to take a shower. Luca heads into the shower in the room he shares with his brother.

“I’m going to give her a quick bath,” Vincent says. “I have something to show you after they get into bed, so don’t lie down.”

“I’m just going to rest for a minute,” I tell him.

“You’re going to fall asleep.”

“I don’t mind being woken up.” I wink at him, falling to Jace’s bed.

“Aunt Mila?”

I startle, the feel of little hands shaking me.

“You fell asleep,” Jace says. “Are you sleeping in here with me?”