Page 38 of Stormy

I knew I had trust issues, but until that monologue started in my head, I didn’t know how much.

A part of my mind tells me I’m crazy because he hasn’t done a damn thing to make me think he’s going to take the kids from me, but there’s another part that says there’s still a chance he’ll try.

Chapter 19


“It’s fancy,” Jace says, looking around the restaurant.

“Let’s hope the food is good,” I say, picking up the red crayon and doodling on the edge of the paper menu that was provided to one of the kids.

After fast food for lunch, I demanded real food for dinner. It’s how we ended up here—in a restaurant where it’s very clear we’re underdressed for. I’m used to getting stares from people, but normally they would come from my leather vest. I haven’t put it back on since right after Keres showed up outside of the Clarke home. I didn’t want to risk anyone discovering where I’m from.

The waitress immediately took our order when she brought our drinks, Jace ordering a cheeseburger and Luca a grilled cheese.

“And for this little cutie?” she asks, pointing the end of her pen toward Sutton.

“She’ll eat off my plate. I’d like the—”

“Get Sutton her own meal,” I say.

“I’d like the baked chicken quarter with a side salad and the home-style green beans, please,” Mila tells her with a smile, refusing to look in my direction despite the pink heating her cheeks.

I order a steak and a couple of sides, feeling like an asshole. The waitress doesn’t say a word, but she also doesn’t miss the look Mila gives me before ordering her food.

“Anything else?” she asks, looking like the only thing she wants to do is run away from this awkward-as-hell situation.

“Can we add an order of the steamed veggies and a side of the carrots?” I ask. I’m not trying to control what the woman eats herself, but the kids haven’t been provided a vegetable in the two days they’ve been with me. I won’t force them to eat it, but they at least need the option.

The waitress jots that down and promises that she’ll get the food out to us as quickly as possible.

“I wasn’t trying to be a dick,” I mutter when she walks away. “I just want you to know that she doesn’t have to share your meal.”

She swallows several times before she speaks, and I feel even worse.

“I overreacted. I’m just tired.”

“Don’t do that,” I say, leaning closer when the boys refocus on the kids’ menus in front of them. “I want you to let me know if I’m overstepping. This won’t work if you keep all that stuff bottled up inside. I’m not trying to control you.”

“Don’t cuss in front of the kids.”

I tilt my head in confusion.

“You said you weren’t trying to be a—” She leaves the last word off, making it clear which one she meant.

“What’s a dick?” Luca asks, smart enough to have been paying attention earlier.

“See?” she says, waving her hand at the boy. “Explain that one to him.”

I feel my own cheeks turn pink as I look over at the boys. Even Jace has stilled his crayon on the menu and is giving me his full attention.

“It’s a bad word that I shouldn’t have ever used. I better not hear you boys using it either.” The explanation seems to appease both of them enough that they can go back to coloring.

Mila pulls the dried strawberries from her purse and sprinkles a little on the table in front of Sutton. She gobbles them up, reaching for the container when her mom is slow to give her more.

“Restaurants aren’t the best thing for toddlers,” she says. “She’s hungry now and would throw a fit if I didn’t give her snacks. She doesn’t understand waiting until the food comes. All she knows is that she’s hungry. She’s going to be close to full before they bring our plates out. I didn’t want an entire meal to be wasted.”

She didn’t have to explain herself to me, but I’m glad she did.