Page 36 of Stormy


As if we’re a family.

He has kept a vigilant eye on the kids and our surroundings the entire time we’ve been here. He’s capable of carrying on a conversation and watching for dangers. His vigilance is making me nervous, but maybe it’s been years of not really being concerned with my surroundings that I should feel uneasy about. How many times have I put myself and Sutton in dangerous situations just because I haven’t considered the dangers?

I haven’t been completely unsafe. There are certain places I don’t stop at if we need the restroom. I notice the creepy guy walking around the little kids clothing section in department stores. I always notice the men I mentioned yesterday that have no children with them yet they’re sitting, smiling, and watching other peoples’ kids play.

Vincent, on the other hand, has been well aware of our surroundings every single second. He homed in on a conversation at breakfast and was even quick to grab Luca’s hand when we stepped out of the hotel on our way back to the Suburban to leave. The man doesn’t miss a thing, not even the glances I’ve been unable to keep from pointing in his direction.

“So they aren’t dangerous?” I ask, clarifying.

He shakes his head. “Never say never, but they seem distracted with their own lives. There are always dangers though.”

I nod, knowing there are. A lot more crime happens than what is sensationalized on the news. There isn’t enough time in the day for every incidence of tragedy to be covered. It’s part of the reason I think Carlen and Janet’s deaths were mostly overlooked. Two people dying in a bad neighborhood isn’t newsworthy. It happens all the time.

If they had died in a home invasion in their neighborhood, maybe things would be different. Maybe the cops would have time to work on the case and arrest those responsible.

“How safe are we?”

He turns his head to look at me for the briefest of seconds before looking back in the direction of the kids. “What do you mean?”

“With Keres,” I specify.

“It’ll be a long time before Adrian Larrick gives up on the money he feels he’s owed.”

I swallow, wishing he gave me a different answer.

“Leaving could complicate things. He could take it as a hit to his pride which will make things worse.”

“Are you saying we should’ve stayed?”

“Do you have ten thousand to give them this month and fifteen every month after?”

I frown because he knows I don’t.

“I have no doubt that Keres will be looking for you. It’s why I had BBS help us get out of town. We’re not using credit cards or anything that can give them a hint of where we’re heading.”

I freeze. “I used my credit card at the gas station yesterday.”

His jaw flexes as he stands. “When we stopped before BBS peeled off and headed back home?”

I nod, hating the look that I read as disappointment in his eyes.

“You didn’t tell me not to use it,” I say. “I didn’t know.”

“It’s fine,” he says, but it doesn’t feel fine when he pulls his phone from his pocket. “Let’s get the kids back in the car.”

I don’t argue with him as I stand and call out to the kids.

He presses his phone to his ear and walks away, keeping us in his line of sight the entire time.

My hands are shaking as I have to run after Sutton who doesn’t want to leave the park.

“Let’s go have some strawberries,” I barter, as she tries to squirm out of my grasp when I finally catch her. “Come on boys. It’s time to go.”

The SUV beeps, unlocking for us when we step closer, and I look over my shoulder to see Vincent on the phone, the key fob in his hand. He urges me forward with a flip of his wrist.

Jace helps with Luca while I get Sutton strapped in. Vincent is walking our way by the time I’m climbing into the passenger seat.