Page 95 of Hero Worship

“What is there to talk about?”

“I don’t know. The big plans, maybe.” He strolls across the floor, taking up a spot next to the treadmill.

Apollo rushes in. “You dick. You said you’d wait for me.”

“Are you assholes coordinating? There’s nothing to talk about.” How many times do I have to say it?

“Like I said,” Ares goes on like he wasn’t just called a dickandan asshole. “There are plans being made. You have to have feelings about them.”

“It doesn’t matter to me where they go.” I punch the button to stop the treadmill, then go over to a shelf with a bunch of weighted bands in it like I came in here with a plan. I didn’t, but I find a band that will work and wrap it around a bar in the wall. A weight bench is close enough to nudge with my foot, and I sit on it like the prick that I am.

Ares and Apollo circle. They’re both relaxed in the mirror. Apollo’s eating ice cream out of a red bowl. Pollux was right—heisthe pretty one. It’s the only word that comes to mind at the sight of his face. Any person on earth would know that, especially when he’s standing next to his brother. Ares is a handsome guy, but his features are stronger. Not quite so fine. I wouldn’t call him rough. Pretty, though? No. Not like Apollo.

Ares catches my eye in the mirror and narrows his. “They?”

“Yes. It doesn’t matter where they go.”

“Who’s they?” Apollo asks around his spoon. “Because as far as we knew,theymeant—” He waves the spoon in a wide circle. “All of us. Are you not including yourself?” I don’t see any point in lying. I wrap the band around my fist, fix my posture, and pull it back.


They exchange a look.

“Are you fucking kidding me? There’s a mirror. I can see you clowns.”

“Clowns!” Ares puts a hand to his chest. It’s a very Zeus move, and I scowl at him, an expression he does not return. “We’re concerned.”

“There are other people to be concerned about.”

“Of course we’re concerned about Daisy. And about Dad.”

“You mean—” I wish they would stop saying that to me. They can’t peer pressure me into it. He’s not my dad, and he doesn’t want to be, and that’s the end of it. “Herdad.”

“No, we meanourdad.” Apollo’s light as a breeze. He eats ice cream and raises his eyebrows, looking at me pointedly in the mirror. “You’ve met before. His name is Zeus.”

“He’s fine. If you don’t believe me, go talk to him.”

“We didn’t think he’d be interested in a chat.” Apollo’s spoonclinks on the bowl.

“You’re hissons,” I shoot back. “Why wouldn’t he talk to you?”

“Because he thinks his brother’s going to die.” Ares taps his fingers on his opposite arm like it’s a thorny logic problem to solve. “And Daisy. That’s his niece.”

“That’syourgirlfriend.” Apollo thinks he has a winning argument.

“She’s not my girlfriend.” It’s an automatic answer, and it feels like a lie. But not because she’s nothing to me. I wanted her to be nothing, because that would’ve made living next door a hell of a lot easier. Because…she’s so much more to me thatgirlfriendfeels like a cheap joke.

“Do you shower with girls who aren’t your girlfriend often?” Ares asks.

“Shut the fuck up, Ares.”

“I think the more pertinent question is, do youbitegirls who aren’t your girlfriend often?” Apollo’s teeth meet his spoon. “If you do, you might want to rethink it. I would, if Hades almost killed me, and—”

“I could kill you. Did you know that?”

He holds up his spoon-hand like he’s surrendering. “A friendly question between brothers.”

“We’re not brothers.”