Page 51 of Hero Worship

She got pregnant there. It could’ve been okay, if she stayed, except she didn’t, and she won’t tell me why.

The cottage. It’ll be in the countryside. Neither of us cares very much where we end up, as long as there’s a lake or a pond or a river. She wants running water. That reminds her that life never stays still. It’s always changing. Something better is always coming.

Alwayssticks in my mind like a curse. I’ve been on the edge so many times, vision fading, bloodied all to hell, and I keep coming back. Nobody’s ever managed to knock any of my teeth out. I’m a fucking wonder of the world, and it never helps anything. My body doesn’t feel thirteen, but I know that’s how old I am. Not old enough to get a job that pays enough to cover us both. Under the table shit. Beating people up. Delivering packages. Nobody pays what they say they will.

Last guy I worked for said I was too pretty, and drew too much attention.

Isthatwhy she left the old place? Because I’m too fucking pretty? I can’t help that. I wish one of these assholes would turn me ugly so she could go back.

The cottage is going to have a door that locks and wood floors and fresh air. Nobody’s ever going to come there looking for a quick fuck. Nobody’s going to leave money on the bedside table and a bruise under my mother’s eye.

We have to make it to the cottage.

Acrackfrom the bedroom has me on my feet, running before I can decide if it’s been five minutes. I crash through the hollow door, splintering it in half.

No. No.No.

“What did you do? What did youdo?” I howl it at the bastard, but I already know the answer, because I can see.

He broke her neck.

He fucks with it a little, like he’s making sure it’s well and truly broken, and spits in her face.

“You’re dead. You’re fucking dead.”

The man doesn’t look at me. He shrugs his pants up to his hips, buttons his fly, and takes the crumpled bills off the bedside table.

I want to kill him,needto kill him, and I can’t move.

He swipes his thumb under his nose and brushes by me like I’m not fucking there.

“No. You’re not leaving.”

It takes all my willpower to swing my arm around and grab for him. My fingers lock around his wrist, and his other hand shoots out, a fist to my shoulder.

Shouldn’t be a big deal. I’ve been hit harder before, but the bone shatters. All the bones shatter. He grins, gleeful, and somebody’s screaming. It might be me. I’ll never be able to bury her like this. I’ll be fucked forever.

“Finish it, then. Finish it.” I’d rather die than stay here like this.

He shakes me off. “Places to be.”

“You motherfucker. How fucking—how dare you—”

The asshole doesn’t look at me. He turns his back and goes, stepping around—


“You’re not here. You’re not supposed to be here. Don’t go in the bedroom.”

“What bedroom?”

One blink, and the apartment’s gone. Daisy’s standing in a stone cavern. Not a cavern—a room. Black stone. Gold striations. I try to move my shoulder, and it hurts so badly it steals my breath.

Now that she’s here, I can feel it.

That pull.
