Page 26 of Hero Worship

Hercules:Why do you always make shells and cheese for everyone?

He’s not going to answer, because I have no right to ask this question. It’s his own business.

Zeus:People like shells and cheese

Hercules:Don’t fuck around with me

A longer pause.

Zeus:Did something happen?

Hercules:I’m standing here making fucking shells and cheese and I want to know why you do it

Three dots dance on the screen.

Zeus:My sister was afraid to eat during the day in case Cronos came home, but she was also afraid of the stove.

Zeus:She would wake me up when she got too hungry at night

Zeus:Shells and cheese were her favorite

I can’t breathe for a minute. It’s a fact about his life. It shouldn’t mean anything to me.

Hercules:My mom liked peanut butter noodles

This pause feels purposeful, like he’s waiting for me to say more. I don’t give in.

Zeus:I would have made those for you instead, if you wanted

Hercules:No. I can’t stand them

Zeus:How’s Daisy?

Hercules:Shells are done, have to go

It’s not a lie. Theyaredone. I drain the water, add butter, melt the cheese in, add the milk. Find a fork and a napkin.

Time to approach the studio door.

I stand outside for a count of ten. Armed with the fact that the shells are getting cold, I turn the knob and push the door open.

The hinges don’t make a sound, and it’sdarkinside.

Daisy sits on a stool at an easel on the ocean side of the room in a bubble of soft light. It’s…not much. How can she see to paint?

She doesn’t seem to notice that I’m here. Nothing about her posture changes and she moves her brush on the canvas the same way.

She’s gorgeous like this.

Which makes no fucking sense, since all I can see is her silhouette in that soft, glowing light. Her hair. The movement of her arm.

Jesus. Howcanshe see? Does she seriously live in the dark like this all the time? I know Hades is creepy like this.

It doesn’t seem that creepy when it’s Daisy, though.

I watch her untilIfeel like the fucking creep, back out of the door, and barge in with louder footsteps.

Daisy drops the paintbrush, her face outlined by the glow. “I told you not to come in here.”