Page 14 of Hero Worship

“There was no call.”

“Who sent thecourtesy text,then? I’m going to fire that person.”

“Come to think of it, I don’t remember. You could ask your dad.”

My heart rate is up. I hate this. I don’t hate talking on the phone to Zeus. I hate this game we’re playing. And yes, I’m the one who started it. I’m the one who insisted on moving to California. I’m the one who won’t give them a full explanation. I’m the one who’s hiding.

“Please tell me you’re not outside my house right now.”

“We’re not outside your house.”

My mind is almost finished processing the scene that probably happened in New York last night. “Uncle Zeus.”


“Is someoneelseoutside my house?”

“I wanted to let you know before he arrived.”

“Beforewhoarrived?” His hesitation tells me exactly who. I slap my hand over my eyes and instantly regret it. “You did not. You didnotsend Hercules here because one random person—”

“Daze, the courtesy text said it’s an ongoing threat. Have you had a chance to talk to your people today?”

I peek out from behind my hand. It’s almost noon. “No. I’ve been busy.”

“I was worried, and Hercules agreed—”

“Ididn’t agree. I have a security team. I have people here. You didn’t need to send anyone to supervise me.”

“He’s not there to supervise you, Daze, he’s there to—”

“Did you call her?” My dad’s voice cuts into the conversation, and four words is all it takes to understand why Hercules is here against my express wishes. “I told you not to bother her.”

“Daisy, your dad is—Christ,Hades, I—”

“I told him not to bother you,” my dad says, and my throat closes so tight I can’t speak. He hates that I live across the country, and I can hear it in his voice even when he doesn’t say the words. It broke his heart when I moved away. It breaks mine every time he doesn’t ask me to come home. I know he wants to. “I’m sorry, Daisy.”

“It’s okay, Dad.”

He takes a sharp breath, like someone punched him. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine. I’m completely fine. Shane got me into the car and we came home. If you called—I didn’t mean to miss your calls. I was tired. I didn’t even know where my phone was. I’m okay now. I slept in.”

“Good. That’s good.” It doesn’t matter that I’ve chosen my words as carefully as possible. He knows I’m not telling him the whole truth, but he doesn’t press. Part of me wishes he would. Part of me wishes he’d call me on it, but if he did, I’d break down and tell him everything, and that would destroy him. “If you need—if there’s anything you need—”

“Daddy, I’m really okay. I don’t need anything.”

“If you do, you’ll tell me?”

No. I won’t. “Yes.”

“I love you.”

“I love you, too.” If I sayI miss you, I really will cry, and then my cover will be blown. I’m barely keeping the tears out of my voice as it is. I’m not sure why I bother. My dad can hear the hidden things, too. He’s pretending not to for me.

“We’ll leave you to your—youmotherfucker, I’ll—”

“Like he said.” Zeus, back on the line. “I wanted to tell you that Hercules should be arriving any second. I’m the one who sent him, by the way. It was my decision. I’d so appreciate it if—”