Page 81 of Flight Risk

Now, I don’t hesitate at all.

I lean forward into his chest and drag my pussy over his cock in deep motions. I’m barely lifting up, but he doesn’t seem to mind. As long as I can have contact against his finger, I’ll live. I need—Ineed—

“That’s it.” Jameson’s voice is low and hot and desperate. “Come on my cock. You’re squeezing me so tight. Ah, fuck. You’re taking it. You can take it. You can come. I can feel how close you are. Let go, angel. Let go. Let me see. I love watching you come.”

The wave of pleasure crests, and my body takes over. I grind down on Jameson’s hips. I want him as deep as he can get. I love the way he takes up space inside me, how his lips part while he watches me, everything about this.

I’m as free as I am on the aerial hoop. I’m freebecausehe brought me here. That’s the loophole. This isn’t my fault. All I wanted to do was dance at the club. I didn’t intend to get kidnapped, but now that he has me, I can be whoever I want.

I can be the kind of woman who moans out an orgasm while she rides a man. I can be the kind of woman who leans down to kiss him because I like the feel of his mouth. I can be the kind of woman who braces both hands on his chest and lifts myself up.

I’m strong enough to do it, and Jameson’s hands stay light on my hips. I’m still coming on the first lift. I sink back down onto him with a shudder. Sex is incredible. I lift up again. Slide down the length of him again. Again. Again.

Until Jameson gasps and turns us over. He lets all his weight fall into the cradle of his hips, folds his body over me, and lets loose.

I don’t know how it’s more sensation than before, but it is. His body close to mine. His tongue licking the side of my neck. His breathing, harsh and unsteady, cooling the wet place he’s left behind.

Neither one of us is pretending anymore. This isn’t a game. This is a man losing himself in a woman, and it’s me, it’sme.

All of them are terrifying.His voice in my head. Talking about angels. Maybe I’m terrifying, but maybe I’m a kind of solace, too. Maybe I’m what he needed.

That’s what it feels like.

To be needed likethisis a thousand times better than I ever knew. To have anyone need me like this was supposed to be a far-off, future thing. Someone would need me to catch a criminal and bring them to justice. Someone would need me to make things as fair as I could for their loved one.

Jameson needsme. My body. My touch. My fingers in his hair. My heels in his lower back.

“Fuck me,” I murmur into his ear. “Harder. Please? I like that. I want you to fuck me.”

He groans and does something magical with his hips that gives me all the contact I could wish for on my clit. A rush of pleasure swirls around it like his tongue would and I come again, a smaller peak, but it lasts and lasts and lasts, my body clenching around him.

I struggle for breath and win. Oxygen fills my lungs like it would if I had wings and soared through the night, free.

“Please, Jameson.Please.”

His mouth meets mine with possessive strength. “Tell me what you want.”

“I want you to come inside me. Please. Do it.Please.”

“Oh, fuck.”Fuckbecomes a feral growl and Jameson all but dives over me, heavy on me while he comes. I can feel every bit of his release. It’s hot, powerful, and his whole body works at pumping it into me.

He’s panting when he finishes, muscles trembling, and he leans his forehead against mine.

“I’m tired,” I whisper onto his lips. “That was so good.”

Jameson kisses me, but I don’t hear what he says. I’m already fading, falling asleep.



Lily sleeps curled up on the pillow like a cat.

I don’t sleep.

I might be a kidnapper and a crime scene, but I’m not a fool. For one thing, she made me nap all day in weird intervals, so I’ve already gotten more sleep today than I have in the last fifteen years combined. For another, after I threw up on a tree and almost crawled into the lake, I’m noteagerto repeat the display.

There’s only so long I can lie in bed. This has always been true, even before my parents died. Once I’m awake, I’mawake.If I’m not moving, I’ll be moving soon. Energy builds up in my muscles quickly and has to be let out just as quickly. I had to practice sitting still for Remy so I could get her to sleep when she was younger. She’d wake up all the time in the middle of the night. Mason sure as hell couldn’t drag himself out of bed on a broken knee and sit with her. Gabriel was out.