Page 75 of Flight Risk

“I’m not. I’m staring at your abs. How did you get them like that?” Lily tilts her head and studies me some more. “You even have that…” A slashing motion at her own hip. “Those hip-dents.”

“Want to lick them, demon girl?”

I expect her to be quick on the draw withabsolutely not,but she keeps staring for another few seconds. The tip of her tongue peeks out from between her lips. If I weren’t so exhausted, I’d drag her in here with both hands and fuck her in the tub.

“Oh my God. Youdowant to lick me. I feel objectified.”

“Shut up and do the soap. I think the bubbles would look great.”

“I’m not here for your entertainment, Lilith.”

“Yeah.” She laughs, a grin that walks the line between cute and evil curving her mouth. “You are.”

Well. Isn’tthatnice? I’d rather exist for her entertainment than be a human crime scene, seconds away from exploding into fresh heartache. We’re not much farther away from the end of this truce. I can’t go back on the kidnapping. I can’t go back on justice.

I can only ever postpone it for a little while.

Lily watches me finish my shower. She studies the soap in my hip-dents with rapt attention, but she doesn’t get in the shower. When I shut off the water, she hands me a towel, and I get out. Lily fetches boxers, sweatpants, and a T-shirt while I’m drying off. She hands them to me in a neat stack.

“What is all this?”

More big eyes. “It’s clothes, Jameson. And I have the ice pack ready to go.”

“Why are you bringing me clothes? I said I was fine.”

“I’m tending you. And you need ice.”

I roll my eyes. “I don’t need tending.”

Lily narrows her eyes at me. I narrow mine back at her. We’re locked in a mortal battle for all of five seconds until I fuck it up with a massive yawn. She purses her lips, so satisfied with herself.

“See? You need tending of all sorts.”

“It was a yawn, not a battle wound.”

“Put your clothes on.”

“Are you going to watch the show?” I raise my eyebrows suggestively.

“Yes. Clothe yourself.”

“You’re sure you don’t want me to stay naked?”

Lily lets out a groan. “Jameson,get dressed.”

I ditch the boxers, pull on the sweatpants, and take my sweet time putting on the T-shirt. Lily’s eyes are wide and shameless, traveling over my body while I dress. She shivers her way out of it when I finally drop the hem of the T-shirt.

“Now what?” I ask.

“Come on.” Lily backs out of the bathroom, waving me on with big circles toward her chest. “This way. Over here.”

“For Christ’s sake, Lilith, this ismy cabin.”

“You have had a rough night,” she whispers. “Come this way. This way. Keep coming.”

“Youreallydon’t have to wave like that.” Except I like it when she teases like this. It’s exactly what I did to her. When was that? Yesterday? Seems longer. She leads me into the bedroom. “Ugh. I’m not doing this.”

“I said it was a nap truce. The terms were clear. Get in the bed.”