Page 54 of Flight Risk

I donotthank him.

He taps my waist with his fingertips, and I want him to touch my hair again, so badly my face heats. “All the way down.”

I’d been hovering, but I seat myself on the duct tape-covered vibrator. It’s…thick. And hard. I do not think about how that might also apply to Jameson. Atall.I brace both hands on the arm of the chair and scorn him like the lowly kidnapping criminal he is.

Jameson bends, his eyes on mine. He comes within a couple of inches as he leans down, reaching behind me. If I pushed up, I could kiss him. I could bite him. I could let my anger out through my teeth.

He turns on the vibrator.

My head drops forward and my hips jerk up and my legs shake like they’d never stopped last night, like I never slept. Jameson’s black shirt moves. He crouches in front of me so I can see him without lifting my head. He brushes my hair out of my face. It’s a quick movement. Not enough.

“Stay down, or I’ll have to use rope.”

This isa lot.I know about vibrators. I’ve been to college. But I’ve never owned one. I’ve never used one.

I cannot make myself do it. I’m scared the first orgasm will tear through me and that’ll be it. Nothing left for Lily Hayes.

I won’t beg him. I won’t.

My face does it for me. I can’t control my eyes going wide. I can’t help opening my mouth like I’m going to speak. The words don’t come, but scorching humiliation does. I can’t be weak like I was last night when I asked him to touch me. I can’t need a single thing from him. I can’t. I can’t. I—

“You won’t make me do that,” Jameson says softly, the sharp edges of him folded into a warm intensity. “I won’t have to tie you down. Know why? Because you’re a good girl. You’re my good girl. And you’re going to put that sweet pink pussy on the vibrator like I told you to, and you’re going to come, and I’m going to be so proud.”

“I—”I can’t.

“You can do it, demon girl.”

I lower my hips.

The sensation is too much. Too fast. Oh God, ohGod.It’s like riding a kite into a lightning storm. My scream shocks me, and then I’m babbling, none of the words making any kind of sense.

Jameson stands. He must, because the vibrator stops.

I can’t move. I have to—I need—I won’t move. I have to catch my breath. The vibrator is still echoing through my nerves.

I can’t raise my chin enough to see above Jameson’s waist. His hands drop into my field of vision. He swipes at his phone. Taps. Then he turns it around so I can see.

It’s a timer, ticking down.59:59. 59:58. 59:57.

“Catch your breath before your next ride.”

We spend the day like this.

I’m determined not to freak out and refuse, but I can’t get through it without him. It’s the worst thing that’s ever happened to me. It’s the most intense, challenging thing I’ve ever done. Jameson comes down to my face level every hour and says filthy things to me, says I’m his demon girl, says he loves this.

I’m…handling it.

I’m not handling itwell,maybe, but I am keeping a grip on my sanity. The end goal is nightfall. The finish line is when he falls asleep. I can do this.

I can, as long as he’s talking me through it.

“I know. Iknow.Oh, demon girl, you look so lovely when you scream. You’re such a slut for this. You need it, don’t you? You’ve wanted this for so long, and now I’m giving it to you. You’ll make it. I know you will. No. Keep those hips down.Down,Lilith.”

The orgasms are the only way to mark the time. It stays the same gray, cloudy color all day. It spits rain. The wind gets stronger and stronger. Alerts come in on Jameson’s phone, but he ignores them.

The sun sets.

He changes the interval to ninety minutes, which is horrible. I’m so tired. Icannotafford to go to sleep.