Page 13 of Flight Risk

It tweets again, mournful.

“Jesus Christ.” A cheap, plastic placard below the cage sayslong-tailed tit.“Holy shit. They brought you from overseas to abandon you here? What the actualfuck.”

I could burst into flame from the sheer unnecessary injustice of this. What the hell could they want with this tiny-ass bird? Who the hell could walk away and leave him hereinside a cage?I stalk around in a circle, my hands in my hair, until the bird tweets at me again.

I drop my hands and face him. “Jameson Hill. What about you?”

A musical series of notes.

“You look like a snowball. I think you’re, like, ababy.I can’t believe they left you.”

The bird sings again. Is it asking a question, or am I losing it?

I’ll figure it out later.

“Let’s get out of here. You’re coming with me.”

I take the cage and the bird. We leave the pole barn behind. Neither one of us looks back.

I’m fifteen feet from my SUV when my phone buzzes.

A text.

It buzzes again, then again, then again.

“That, Snowball, is a group text,” I announce to the bird. It’ll be Gabriel about a teenager he’s taken in or Mason about Charlotte or somebody with a funny meme.

Mason: First, Remy’s fine.

Gabriel: Um…what the fuck are you talking about?

Mason: That jackass followed her and her friends to dinner. He’s pissed we got him expelled.

Jameson: Followed her?

I’m not going to burst into flames. I’m already on fire.

Mason: Caused a scene outside the restaurant. She’s back home. It’s fine.

Gabriel: Shut up. Where’s the prick now? Just wondering. Personal reasons.

Jameson: What do you mean by “caused a scene”???

I’m at the SUV. Must’ve closed the distance. I balance Snowball’s cage on the hood so I have both hands free to text.

Mason: Jameson. Don’t.

Jameson: Tell me what the fuck happened

Mason: Broke the front window of the place


How did he walk away from that? How is Mason not tracking him down right now?

Gabriel: Buddy

Jameson: Don’t buddy me, bro