Page 11 of Flight Risk

“Of course I will, Grandpapa. And…I have great news.” I was going to wait. Telling him would make it real. But he looks so upset, and he loves me, and this will make him happy. “I got invited to the Immersive Scholars program.”

His eyes go wide and bright, shining with pride, and I hate myself a little for the sinking feeling that takes over. “Oh! I knew you would. Iknewit.” Grandpapa comes around the desk and folds me up into a big hug. “I knew you’d get in. I’m so proud of you. I couldn’tbemore proud of you.”

“Thank you,” I manage, surprised to find myself choked up. “I knew you would be.”

But the tears I blink away aren’t happy ones. They’re out of pure disappointment, which makes no sense. It doesn’t seem fun to be a lawyer, but that’s not the point. The point is to achieve great things.

And here I am, dreading it.

The only place I feel great things is on the aerial hoop, but that’s not a career. It’s a hobby. It’s a dangerous distraction, because it makes me want to be reckless, to give up greatness and have fun.

I can’t. Being a free spirit hurts people, and I won’t do that.

I’ll follow in my grandfather’s footsteps, even if it crushes me.



Transitioning to my new job at Phoenix is awful.

Everything about it is objectively great. I have a massive office right down the hall from Mason. My new assistant, Kirk, shakes my hand and launches into a detailed explanation of the team he’s been working with Mason to build since early this year. “Dev’s also been giving input into personnel selection.”

Right on cue, Deveraux Madden, Mason’s right-hand man, himself sticks his head in the door. He’s got a sandy-blond, rich businessman vibe. Looks-wise, he reminds me of Gabriel’s ex-boyfriend Jacob Chambers, if Jacob Chambers was both a genius and extremely dedicated to his work at Phoenix Enterprises. Jacob is too rich for all that. He moved to London with Elise’s middle sister, Catherine, after he proposed to her at Christmas last year. They were already engaged. Secretly engaged, but it wasn’t a secret? I don’t know.

“Hey.” Dev has a broad smile on his face, like he’s bought into the recent updates in the Jameson Hill mythology, too. “Congrats on the promotion. You grew up so fast.”

I go over and squeeze his shoulder. “So did you, buddy. What’s next? House in the suburbs? Trophy spouse? Or areyouthe trophy?”

He rolls his eyes in a genial, attractive way that’s signature Dev. “Work is the trophy.”

“Come on.” I’m not above wheedling. “I’m finally a vice president. Give mesomething.”

“You know everything there is to know. I’m a company man.”

I gesture at my chest. “I’m a company man, too. Throw me a bone. Do you have any friends?”

Dev waves me off. “I have Phoenix.”

“Man, you cannot go adecadewithout dropping some hints.” Dev’s been with Phoenix—with Mason—since Remy was nine or ten and I was finishing high school. He’s an all-business kind of guy. He’s never talked about a partner, a lover, or even a date. Mason doesn’t know if he has afamily.

“Wait! That’s exactly what I did.” Dev gives me big eyes, and Kirk snorts.

“I’m on this floor now,” I warn. “I’m going to find out if you have a life or if you sleep here.” The only thing we know about Dev for certain is that he’s incredibly loyal to Mason. Can’t tell you how many times Mason showed up to a meeting with the principal or the school resource officer and opened withAre you okay? Don’t worry about Phoenix. Dev’s got it.

“Can’t want. Congrats again on the promotion. You’ll be great.” Dev shakes my hand and heads off to a meeting, probably with Mason.

Kirk’s off to the races.

By five I’m suffocating in my business suit. My head swims with the Library of Alexandria’s worth of shit Kirk’s told me about. I escape the second I can. Kirk can tell my brothers I’m out for the day.

In the parking garage I pop the trunk of my SUV and peel off the suit jacket and switch my dress shirt for a plain black T-shirt. I trade my slacks for my emergency pair of jeans. They’re worn-in and lightweight enough that I won’t die of heatstroke.

Once I’m in the driver’s seat, I flex my hands on the wheel. It’s the first day of the new job. Mason’s going to want to have dinner about it. As much as I want to go out to my cabin and let off steam, that would be a surefire way to let him know something’s up.

Back to the penthouse it is.

I bullshit my way through dinner and three episodes of The Office with Remy. I laugh on autopilot and concentrate onnotremembering, on not trembling with rage about the motherfucker who burned her with a cigarette.