Page 89 of Just Between Us

I pushed myself out of my seat, my nerves frayed and my body flitting with energy that wanted to be directed at yelling at Andy. He was only making this worse; I wanted to scream.

“You have a time machine? Because if you do, by all means, let’s go back and start over. We can fall in love for real, and get married. But it seems to me we’re well past that.”

He took that in for a second, his eyes turning soft and a slight grin breaking out before he wiped it away again. “Are you afraid of telling your family?”

The question startled me. I cocked my head. “You think that’s it? Don’t get me wrong, Cal would be pissed. But no, I’m not afraid of telling my family. Or my friends. I’m afraid of what will happen to you. What will happen with your mentor and your investors? What will happen when they find out you’ve lied to them?”

He nodded, annoyingly calm. “Okay.”

“Okay? Okay, we’ll go back to our original deal?”

“Until we can time travel, anyway.” Andy stood with a sigh. “I guess that means I’m back on the couch.”



I wokeup in an otherwise empty bed, the scent of Nora clinging to the sheet she’d slept in before fleeing back to Franklin Notch. She claimed Trashcan needed her, and my original intent to beg her to stay left with her confession.

Nora loved me.

She loved me.

Nora McDonaghue… or Stewart, rather,my wife, loved me.

With that knowledge, I could make everything else right.

I bounced out of bed, ignoring the faint crick in my neck from a night on the couch, and packed my bag to meet Brad for breakfast before I drove back.

“Did everyone else leave already?” I asked, surveying the mostly empty table.

Brad waved a fork in greeting at me, digging into an omelet at the rundown diner he’d asked to meet me. “Some people can’t go more than a day outside the city.”

I laughed. “I’m pretty sure Manchester is a city.”

“Angela insisted that only cities with a Bulgari are truly civilized.”

“Sad day for New Hampshire,” I said, sitting in the booth opposite him. “What time are you flying out?”

“Driving, actually, down to Boston.” He set down his fork and pushed back his blue sleeve, checking his Rolex. “Car should be here any minute. Are you staying in Manchester for a bit?”

Shaking my head, I accepted a cup of coffee from a server. “I’m going home. I want to sleep in my bed. Don’t worry; I’ll be back bright and early on Monday.”

“I don’t doubt it. Going back to Nora?” He raised a curious eyebrow.

“Nope. Going to talk to her mom and then to her brothers. If I survive that, I’ll go see her.”

Brad laughed, the deep sound resonating through the restaurant. “Well, good luck. I hope I see you both again soon.”

He stood, peeling two hundred-dollar bills out of his wallet and throwing them at the center of the table. With a nod, he left me to finish breakfast on my own.

I drank two cups of coffee, waiting until ten to pull out my phone and text Bunny.

Mind if I stop by before dinner? I’d like to talk.

I set the phone on the table, watching the church and brunch crowd mingle on the streets until my phone vibrated.