Page 61 of Just Between Us

I took the insult for the olive branch he intended it as. Hell, at least he was joking with me.

“You want another glass?” he asked, holding up the half-full growler.

“As long as you don’t mind me sticking around a bit longer.”

“Nora will be beside herself if you come back without a black eyeandafter a couple of drinks.” He offset his relaxed shoulders and ambivalent shrug.

“Then I guess I’ll stay. What should we talk about?”

“Well, Nora’s off limits, clearly. You know anything about cars?”

I didn’t, but I prepared myself to learn for Nora's sake.



I snuckinto the silent house. I tiptoed into the living room, relaxing when I didn’t find Trashcan’s cage in the corner of the room. Confused by the sudden disappearance of the dog, I wandered upstairs, pulling myself away from the direction of Nora’s room and toward my own, only to find her in my bed.

She sat up as I opened the door, eyes bleary. “You didn’t come home last night.”

“I didn’t,” I answered over Trashcan whining from his crate, which was now tucked up against my bed. I rubbed my palm against the side of my head, a sudden stab of pain piercing my skull from his whimpers.

“Got any bruises?”

She turned on the bedside light as Trashcan barked. I groaned, walking across the room to let him free. He trotted happily around my ankles, jumping for my hand and no doubt expecting a morning run, which was not happening.

“No bruises. We finished the beer and then Cal brought out a couple of whiskies from his private collection.”

Cal quickly discovered that I knew nothing about cars besides how to drive them. A discussion about the Highland Games were a nonstarter, thanks to our rivalry, which left us both fumbling for a shared interest.

We found it in hard liquor.

Nora grimaced. “Well, I’m relieved you’re still alive. I was beginning to worry.”

I’d texted Nora, promising to return in an hour. Then another said it’d be two hours. Finally, I admitted I was too drunk to drive home, but Cal had offered me the couch, which received a single word reply: Okay.

“Everything’s fine. Better than fine. I smoothed things over with Cal. He fixed your car. You should swing by and pick it up. I’d offer to drive you up there today, but my stomach could barely take the trip home.”

She stood, a warm smile on her face, and cupped my face in her hands. “Thank you.” Her thumb ran down my cheek as she stood on her toes and brushed her lips over mine, making the night before worth the effort. “Why don’t you go shower and change into something comfortable to rehab on the couch for the day. I’ll make you breakfast?”

I could smell the alcohol seeping out of my pores on the drive home and didn’t blame Nora for suggesting a shower.

“Something greasy?”

“Disgustingly so. Something to sop up all the alcohol.” She gave me a playful grin.

“And we’re just hanging out today?”

She hesitated, plunging my stomach until the reservation cleared from her eyes with a nod. “Absolutely.”

I exhaled, my shoulders slumping as I walked to the bathroom. A quick look in the mirror confirmed what I already feared. I looked like shit: mussed hair, dark circles under my eyes, rumpled clothes. I hadn’t exactly come home at my best, but I had convinced Nora to spend the day with me, albeit on the couch.

I showered quickly, changing into a pair of sweatpants and a t-shirt. When I returned downstairs, I looked somewhat closer to a functional adult.

Nora sat on the couch; Trashcan tucked into her side and a blanket over both of them. A massive fried breakfast sandwich sat on the coffee table. My mouth watered just looking at it.

I sat down in the center of the couch. She leaned toward me, bumping my shoulder playfully. “Hey, thanks again.”