Page 55 of Just Between Us

XOXO, Andy

I grinned, joy gripping my chest as I sunk back into the bed. Sleeping with Andy was fine, right? I’d certainly enjoyed myself and Andy, for his part, seemed into it. Even though he was leaving on Monday, a sense of calm washed over me.

My phone buzzed on the side table, and I grabbed it.

“Good morning, Thea.”

“And what a morning it is,” she replied. “I just saw Andy running through Main Street with a derpy-looking dog, and you sound like sex. What is going on at your house?”

My cheeks heated. “Well, we adopted a dog and…” A ridiculous grin broke out on my face. Thea was the only person in the world who would understand the significance of me having sex with my husband. “We slept together.”

“Really?” she squealed on the other end of the line. “I’m not saying that proposing marriage was the right way to go about a relationship, but go him. Go you! So, this marriage is the real deal now?”

“No,” I answered reflexively. “Maybe. I’m not sure. We didn’t talk about the details while we were…”



“Making love?” She drawled. I had the same visceral reaction as before.

“Not that either.”


“That’ll work.”

“I’m happy for you. He’s a great guy, and I certainly didn’t want to be involved when you broke it to your family that you married him for his insurance.”

The words tempered my post-sex euphoria.

“Too soon?” Thea asked.

“I just hadn’t thought about what sleeping with him actually meant.”

“That you’re an attractive married couple?”

“What happens if this fake marriage turns into a real marriage?”

“I don’t see how that’s a problem.”

“Len and Cal would never forgive me if they ever found out. And what’s the alternative? We lie for the rest of our lives?” I winced. “No. I’m not thinking about that. We just slept together. I don’t even know what means.”

“That he likes you?”

I scoffed. “Obviously. But he’s leaving for a month and, until last night, this was a strictly platonic arrangement.”

“So, how about you just… ask him?”

Thea made it sound like the easiest thing in the world, and if I didn’t care about his response, it would have been.

But I liked Andy. Really liked him. And I’d leveraged the next four years of my life on maintaining a platonic relationship with him.

“I could, but what if he says it’s just a one-time thing?”

“Then, it’s a one-time thing. Was it good?”
