Page 49 of Just Between Us

“Don’t worry about my breakfast this morning. I’ve got an early meeting with Nolan.”

She nodded, setting the cup back on the shelf and pulling out a travel mug instead. “I made some overnight oats if you want to take those with you.”

“That sounds great.”

“I made lunch, too.”

I grinned as she poured my coffee. “You didn’t need to do that.”

“I want to,” she said as she set the coffee in front of me and returned to the kitchen, digging out a lunch box and loading breakfast and lunch inside.

My cock under some semblance of control, I stood and grabbed the bag from the counter, coffee in my other hand. “You know, I was thinking, while I’m gone, maybe you’d like some company?”

She arched an eyebrow at me. “Company? I’m sure Bunny wouldn’t mind staying in town with me for a bit. If you don’t mind, that is.”

I shook my head, and she followed me to the door. “Of course, I don’t mind, if you’d like her here, but that wasn’t exactly what I was thinking.” Nora held my things while I put on a coat and opened the door. “I was thinking more like a dog.”

Her eyes widened.

Okay, maybe I’d misjudged her interest in dogs.

“Or not. A cat? Or no pets at all?”

She followed me onto the porch, unflinching as her bare feet touched the cold boards. “I can have a dog?”

I nodded, my chest tightening as a smile spread over her lips.

“I can have a dog?” She repeated.

“It’s a big house, and the backyard is fenced. The only reason I don’t have a dog is because I travel all the time.” I listed the excuses that had rattled around my head for years now.

“I can have a dog,” she whispered. The soft smile turned slightly maniacal before she launched herself at me, wrapping her arms around my neck and her legs clamped around my waist.

I dropped my lunch, cradling her ass with my free hand and moving the coffee away as she kissed my cheek.

“You’re sure?”

I laughed. “We can go look at dogs tonight, if you want.”

She nodded, kissing my cheek again. I should have come up with this plan a week ago, a month ago, the first time I saw Nora melting over the coffee lady’s yappy puppy.

“Can we please? What kind of dog? A big dog? A puppy?”

“Any dog you want. Whatever makes you happy.”

She rested her forehead on mine, arms tightening around my neck. “I’m going to look up dogs at the shelter today. Now. Thank you.”

Before I could respond, Nora kissed my cheek again, her lips brushing to the corner of my mouth. Then, she kissed me in earnest. She softly nipped my lower lip into her mouth as her legs clenched against my waist.

I dropped the coffee, the metal container loudly banging on the wooden deck. I ran my hand up the back of her neck, working loose her hair and running my fingers through it.

Then, just as fast as she’d jumped into my arms, she pulled away, her face burning red as I set her down.

“For the neighbors,” she said, stooping to pick up my lunch box.

“Right. Keeping up appearances,” I agreed, even as my heart lurched. I grabbed the travel mug and surveyed the empty street.

“I’ll see you tonight?” she asked, exchanging my lunch with the mug.