Page 5 of Just Between Us

I walked down the darkened corridor to the front entrance, pausing as a strange sound echoed down the hall: a muffled cry. I turned, searching for the source of the sound. I followed it back the way I came.

A second sob sounded from a nearby hallway that led to the city employees’ offices. I walked past Parks and Rec, Sanitation, and Police Chief until I reached the end of the hall and the sign for the City Administration Assistant.

A faint light shone from under the slightly ajar door. I knocked on the wood frame with my knuckles. “Hello?”

“Hey, just a minute and I’ll get out of here,” Nora said, sniffling slightly.

I pushed open the door.

She sat on a plain wooden chair in front of the desk, eyes red and face puffy. Her eyes went wide as she turned in her seat and quickly wiped her tears with the sleeve of her sweater.

“Andy.” She shook her head, plastering a forced smile on her face. “I thought you’d left.”

“I was just heading out. Is everything okay?” I asked hesitantly, unsure whether I should turn around or step into the office.

“I’m fine. Just a long day.” Tears clung to her eyes. My stomach wrenched at the sight.

“You want to talk about it?” I asked, gesturing to the other seat.

She shook her head. “It’s late. I’m sure you’re exhausted. I’m just going to pull myself together and—”

“I don’t mind.” I stepped into the office, pushing the door back to ajar behind me so Gary wouldn’t barge his way in, and sat beside her. “What’s going on?”

Nora’s lips pursed and her eyes watered as they bounced from the ceiling to the door. “I… um… I just got fired.”

I craned my head back toward the chambers in disbelief. He hadn’t mentioned anything—hadn’t even seemed phased.

“Gary just fired you? He made you finish the meeting until...” I checked my watch. “Nine o’clock and fired you? That’s ridiculous.”

I gripped the arm of the chair, pushing myself up to go back and ream Gary out, but Nora’s eyes widened.

“Please, don’t,” she begged. “It’s fine. I didn’t even like the job.” Her gaze moved to the ceiling. A single tear fell down her cheek. “Why today?”

The despair in her tone hit me in the gut. I threw caution to the wind and covered her hand with mine, sinking into my chair and rubbing my thumb over her knuckles. “What happened today?”

She exhaled, loud and deep. Her gaze skittered down to my hand on hers, but she didn’t pull away. “I just found out I need to have surgery. It’s not important. And it’s not like Gary offered healthcare.” She bit her bottom lip to stop it from quivering. “You’re going to think it’s ridiculous. I’m what? Four years younger than you, and you have a chain of gyms and a giant house, and I’ve got, no, Ihadan apartment.”

“I don’t think it’s ridiculous.” I gave her hand a reassuring squeeze, already searching for some solution that would make her feel better. “What about the gym? I could use another front desk person.”

She smiled. “That’s sweet. I wasn’t trying to hit you up for a job, though.”

“No, but I’m offering.”

Her forehead furrowed as her eyes went to the ceiling again. Mulling it over, I saw the downsides: the twenty-minute commute, the same salary Gary offered, and no upward trajectory.

Also, a downside for me: I couldn’t ask Nora out if she was my employee.

“Thank you, Andy. I appreciate that, truly.” She slid her hand away from mine with a smile and stood, picking up her purse from the floor with a barely perceptible wince. “I don’t think that’s such a good idea, though.”

“I want to help,” I said even as relief flooded me.

“I just don’t think there is any way for you to help me.” She sighed heavily. “I’ll figure it out.”

As she stood by the door and waited for me to join her, my mind raced for a solution. Her smile reminded me of the Chamber of Commerce meeting. She stood at the center of the room, drawing everyone into her orbit and charming them all, including me.

“I have an idea.” I stood, striking on the answer and letting it tumble out. “Marry me.”