Page 22 of Just Between Us

Nora shook her head. “No. Next week, Wednesday.” She didn’t have to add, “so we can get this over with.” Her tone implied it so completely that I scanned the table, gauging her family’s reaction. Other than a worried look between Millie and Bunny, there was nothing.

“Well, we’re invited, right?” Millie asked, her eyes swinging between Bunny and Nora nervously.

“We’d love for all of you to come, of course,” I interjected quickly before Nora torpedoed that, too. I turned toward Bunny. “And we would appreciate any help you can give us.”

Bunny settled, but Nora stayed tense. I squeezed her hand, rubbing my thumb down the side of her hand.

“Something’s not right,” Cal said, his gaze trained on Nora.

She froze, mouth open and body tense. A deer in the headlights. I racked my brain for an excuse for the sudden nuptials.

“Nora needs surgery.” The words raced out of my mouth before I could stop them. Nora’s hand clenched around mine, nearly dragging me out of my seat. “We’re pushing up the wedding to get her on my insurance.”

Len pitched forward, face stern. “I can pay for your surgery, Nora.”

“You don’t need to,” I interjected. “I’d already proposed, and there’s no reason to wait.”

I said a silent thanks to Millie as she interjected. “What surgery, exactly? Is everything okay?”

“I’m fine.” Nora released her death grip on my hand, suddenly spurred to life. “It’s nothing, just my wrist, but if I don’t get it treated…”

“Right,” Len said tersely, eyes skirting to Cal.

He shrugged. “I told you to keep her on your insurance.”

“I’m right here.” Nora scowled at her brothers, her voice suddenly as sharp as knives. I watched her in surprise. “This is exactly why I didn’t tell you about Andy, or the surgery. Because I knew you’d treat me like I wasn’t here. This wedding is happening, just like the surgery. Show up or don’t.” In an unexpected flood of fury, Nora stood from her seat. “Thanks for dinner, Millie. We have a wedding to plan.”

I scrambled to stand as she pushed her seat back, aiming herself toward the door.

“Hold up. Everybody.” Bunny set her palm on the table, her voice so imposing that I instinctively sank back into my chair. “This has gone far enough. Cal, Len, apologize to your sister.”

They glanced at each other, silently daring the other to buck against Bunny’s edict.

“Sorry, Nora,” Len ground out.

“Yeah. Same,” Cal said.

“As for you, Nora, we’re going to this wedding. You want to get married tomorrow? We’re there. At midnight? We’re showing up. On a boat in the middle of the ocean? We’re standing right beside you. Now, granted, this was a little sudden and we’re all still,” she paused, pursing her bright pink lips. “Adjusting. But if you love Andy, then we’ll love Andy. All of us.”

She shot a pointed look at Cal, who shrugged. “Fine.”

“Now, what can we do?”



I stopped fussingwith my hair at the sound of a knock on my door.

“Good morning,” Andy greeted me with a coffee and a smile as I opened the front door to my apartment.

I gave him a lopsided grin in return. I’d half-expected him to call off the marriage after dinner at Len’s. But the fact that he dutifully showed up on my doorstep the day after was proof he planned to stay in this fake marriage for the long haul.

Or, at least, for the next four years.

“You didn’t need to pick up coffee,” I said, gratefully taking the offered cup and stepping aside so he could come in. “Sorry, I took Mags for a walk and lost track of time. Just give me three minutes.”

I left Andy in my living room and raced into my bedroom to finish my hair. Not that I could do much with the short locks, but if I didn’t at least try to tame them with a dryer brush, I’d spend the day looking like a wet poodle.