Page 15 of Just Between Us

I shot Tammy my best smile, one that was both reassuring and imbued with confidence.

Tammy’s eyes narrowed, working from my hand around Nora’s waist to me and back to Nora. She hummed deeply, her jaw twitching. “Well, have a pleasant night then.”

After a moment spent untangling Mags from Nora, Tammy moseyed down Main Street. She paused at the next storefront, admiring the display that’d probably been there for months.

“You should probably walk me inside,” Nora whispered as I dropped my arm from her waist.

I nodded and followed her into the tiny lobby up to her second-story apartment. At her door, I glanced back at the plate glass door. “Do you think she’s going to turn around?”

“Yes,” Nora laughed. “She’s probably waiting to spread the news that I brought a man back to my apartment until she knows whether you’re staying the night.”

I cut my eyes to the door, and sure enough, Mags pranced at the base.

“Well, spending the night seems like overkill, but maybe we should plant the seed we’re in a relationship.” I squared up to Nora as she fished her keys out of her purse.

She pulled them out, a bemused smile on her face. “Plant the seed?”

“Give them something to gossip about since we’ll be engaged next weekend.” I lowered my voice, aware that I’d have taken any excuse to kiss Nora. This just happened to be the perfect opportunity.

“Do you think we should?” Her eyes flitted down the stairs.

“Up to you,” I feigned nonchalance, even as my pulse quickened and the narrow corridor into her apartment closed around us.

She pursed her lips. “We will have to kiss, right?”

I shrugged. “It’ll look a little weird if we don’t.”

“Okay,” she whispered, more to herself. “Okay.” She nodded, her honey brown eyes shining up at me.

I took a half-step closer, running my fingers down her arm, and wrapped my other hand around her waist, pulling her flush against me. She sucked in a breath.

I’d dreamed about kissing Nora since the minute we met. Hell, I’d spent entire Chamber of Commerce meetings completely distracted by the thought, and I didn’t want to waste this opportunity. I didn’t want to rush it, either. I tilted my head down, brushing the tip of my nose against hers.

“Do you think she’s watching?” I murmured before brushing my lips over her cheek.

Nora practically hummed in my arms, pressing her palm against my chest. She nodded.

“Do you think we can convince her?”

Nora nodded again, softening against me. Her lips tipped up, searching for mine. I swiped my thumb over them before cradling her head in one hand and dipping my lips to meet hers. She tasted like red wine and chocolate cake, and I wanted nothing more than to slip my tongue into her mouth and taste more of her.

I tamped down that desire, settling instead on sinking into her plush lips, moving my hand from her jaw back and wrapping her inky black hair around my fingers. With a nip at her bottom lip, I reluctantly pulled myself away, satisfied that Tammy had gotten a show, even if I would have preferred to linger longer.

Judging by Nora’s still-closed eyes, I wasn’t the only one who wanted more. The thought sent chills down my spine.

“Goodnight, Nora,” I whispered.

Her eyes popped open, red staining her cheeks. “Goodnight, Andy.”




Spoke to my insurance company. Make an appointment with the surgeon now and I’ll get you on my policy the day we’re married.