Page 12 of Just Between Us


My pulse raced while we waited for the server. The time to decide on Andy’s offer drew closer with every breath, and I dreaded the question. When he finally arrived, Andy ordered a bottle of wine, two appetizers and the entrees before we were left alone.

“So…” I tugged at the corner of the white linen napkin in front of me, stalling for time.

Andy didn’t look anxious at all. He seemed to be perfectly in his element: cool, collected, not a bead of sweat on him. He reached beside him and pulled out a black folder he’d carried in from the car, setting it down in front of me.

“What’s this?” I asked, running a finger down the side.

“A business proposal.”

I raised an eyebrow. “Excuse me?”

“You were right.” He tented his fingers over his bread plate. “My offer last night was half-baked, and I didn’t do a good job of laying out the terms and conditions. So, I spent last night working out my proposal. A proper proposal.”

“A proper sort of marriage proposal?” I stifled a laugh.

He grinned. “A non-traditional marriage proposal. We’ll save the down-on-one-knee proposal for an audience. Now, look it over. Tell me what you think.”



My heart lodgeditself firmly in my throat as Nora opened the folder.

I’d gone home the night before convinced that, not only had I completely blown my chances with Nora, but I’d also proven I was out of my mind—and that still might be true. Who in their right mind blurted out a spontaneous marriage proposal? Still, I fell asleep imagining how perfect the arrangement would be.

I hadn’t lied when I told Nora a spouse would make my life easier. I had entire groups of angel investors, business partners, and a mentor who didn’t want to just hand me the money and leave me alone.

They wanted to eat with me, vacation with me, and become friends, piggybacking off each other’s success. For the most part, I didn’t mind all the wining and dining. But having a spouse gave me an air of dependability and stability. I could beg off the frat bros who wanted to conduct meetings at strip clubs and VIP lounges. I could rely on Nora to charm my partners and their spouses.

My mentor had been hounding me to settle down for years. He insisted that having a family made him laser-focused, and it’d do the same for me. Of course, he’d gotten his first investment two years into dating his wife. I hadn’t had more than a third date in years.

“So, the proposal is on the left and all the supplemental material is on the right,” I said as Nora tentatively opened the folder. “The first page of the proposal is terms, timelines, followed by a calendar—all negotiable, of course.”

I slipped into business mode and my nervousness ebbed away as she flipped through the pages.

“You planned out the entire marriage? All four years?”

The tinge of awe in her voice urged me on.

“We could extend or retract that time frame. I’ve included clauses for early termination further in the proposal, but four years would get you through nursing school.”

She pulled out the course catalog I’d tucked into the supplemental folder. Her eyes widened, and her hands shook as she set it on the table beside her.

“The fall semester is already underway, but that’s great because I have a few business trips that might need your attendance. Besides, I talked to admissions, and they said a spring start wouldn’t stop you from graduating in four years. I didn’t have your academic records, but you can take some fast-track online prerequisite classes before the holidays if you want to get ahead.”

I couldn’t stop rambling, even as Nora stayed silent. Thankfully, the server returned with a bottle of wine and a basket of bread. I slathered a slice of bread with butter and chewed through the entire basket while she read. By the time the server returned with appetizers, Nora had finished reading the last page of the proposal.

“I kept something from you.”

I froze, unable to read her expression. “You kept something from me?”

Visions of a boyfriend, a girlfriend, or a friend with benefits ran through my mind. I quieted those thoughts with a deep sip of wine.

She bit her bottom lip. “When I said I needed healthcare, I actually need surgery.”

The flood of relief receded just as fast as it came. “Surgery?”