Page 45 of Rage of Her Ravens

Chapter Seven


Iwoke with a heavyheart and an aching soul, not to mention sore bones. I never thought I could sleep in a more uncomfortable bed than that cramped loft space at our cottage. I was wrong. I slowly sat, hugging my knees to my chest, watching the morning sun’s pink ribbons cut through billowing clouds and stretch across the horizon. My nieces stirred beside me. They looked like sleeping angels with their little hands tucked beneath their cherubic cheeks. I wasn’t fooled. I clutched my sore gut, recalling the many times they’d kneed me last night while tossing and turning.

I turned my gaze to the sunrise once more, at the two distinct shadows that approached us, their long wings stretched out while they soared on pockets of air. As Nikkos and Blaze drew near, their smiles wide and their eyes bright, I smiled back. I was so thankful for my two mates. If only their brother had a sliver of their kindness.

Nikkos was first to land, gliding to a stop and landing with the grace of a swan. “Good morning,” he said to me. “How was your sleep?”

I dragged a hand down my face. “Rough. Yours?”

“Rough.” He grimaced as his brother landed beside him. “We’ll sleep better when we get home.”

Home. Abyssus, where Draevyn was lord of the manor. I had a feeling I’d be even less comfortable there than I was here.

I shrugged, then looked away. “Hope so.” I rubbed Aurora’s back when she stiffened and let out a little moan. I leaned over and kissed her cheek. “Wake up, sweetheart. It’s just a bad dream.”

The girls sometimes had night terrors about either the bad king, the evil queen, or the angry bear. Aurora relaxed beneath my touch, going boneless while I continued to rub her back.

“Just so you know, Drae has a black eye to go with his busted nose.”

I looked up at Blaze as he cracked his knuckles. He’d punched his brother again? I didn’t know if I should thank him or scold him. “Is that supposed to make me happy?”

Tension lines crinkled his mouth and eyes. “I think he finally understands he’s been a prick.”

I shook my head. “He shouldn’t need you to beat him up to realize that.”

The brothers shared a dark look before Blaze answered solemnly. “We know.”

I gently caressed Aurora’s spine while I swallowed back the rising tide of emotion that threatened to overwhelm me. “But thank you for defending me.”

“Of course. Always.” Blaze splayed a hand across his heart, his eyes shining with sincerity. “You’re our mate.”

These mages were making it too easy to love them. And yet they served the queen who I’d been taught my entire life to fear. By that reasoning, I should have feared them, too, but I longed to be held in their arms. I’d never had such conflicted feelings in my entire life.

“There’s a pretty little lake nearby,” Nikkos said. “We caught some fish and started a fire. Want us to take you there?”

I nodded, then rubbed Ember’s back as she started to stir. “I would love that.” I looked at Nikkos and Blaze, realizing how very lucky I was to have them. “Thanks.”

* * *

Flying in Nikkos’sarms was the closest thing I’d ever felt to heaven, and as the clouds, painted in hues of pink and yellow, parted for us, I thought perhaps he’d taken me there. I welcomed the icy breeze that blew back my hair and cooled my heated skin as I rested my head on his shoulder. My hand splayed across his solid chest, his skin warming my fingertips, as his wings flapped slower and slower still. When he soared in circles above the clouds, I realized he was delaying the landing. Was he trying to savor this moment together, too? I took a chance and looked into his golden eyes and had my answer.

His smile was pure, radiant sunshine. And for the briefest moment, there was just Nikkos and me, all other sights and sounds muted compared to the golden flecks in his eyes. I didn’t think there could be any better place in all the world or the heavens than right here in my fire mage’s arms.