Page 38 of Rage of Her Ravens

“Tell us about your siren voice.”

My gaze shot to Nikkos. “What about it?” I snapped, not meaning to sound so defensive. It was all Draevyn’s fault for putting me on edge.

He froze like a deer caught in a hunter’s crosshairs. “Your parents were shocked when you used it.”

I released a long breath. I was growing tired of these questions. “That’s because they didn’t know about it.”

“Why not?” Draevyn asked.

I couldn’t bring myself to look at him as I wrapped my arms around myself. I dropped my voice to a low murmur. “I didn’t want them to think I was evil.”

“Why would they think that?” Nikkos asked, his voice laced with confusion.

I swallowed back my sorrow, my gaze flitting to Aurora as an understanding passed between us. She’d felt it, too. Our parents’ eyes had always been on us while they watched, waited for us to turn out like the sorceress queen. “Because my aunt turned evil,” I murmured, digging my fingers into the hem of my cloak.

“Malvolia is not evil,” all three brothers blurted.

The girls gaped at them, then at me. They’d heard the stories about what Malvolia had done to my parents and their friends. They knew what she was, and they were only four. Such a shame these grown mages were blinded by Malvolia’s smoke.

I rolled my eyes. I didn’t want to argue when it was one against three, but I had to make them understand. “My aunt put a price on mine and my sister’s heads when we were still in the womb.” Blaze and Nikkos hung their heads. Only Draevyn had the nerve to meet my glare, his red, swollen nose reminding me of a flaming coal. “If you don’t think that was evil, there is no point in talking about it.”

Draevyn gave me a pointed look. “How were you able to practice your magic if you didn’t use it around your parents?”

I gritted my teeth, tempted to just tell him to flame off. “I didn’t use it often.”

Nikkos gaped at me. “But it’s so strong.”

I smoothed the wrinkles out of my skirts. “I know it is.”

“Who did you use it on?” Draevyn asked.

“Why so many questions?” I snapped. I wasn’t about to talk about the time I’d discovered the true strength of my magic, not now, not ever. Even after two years, I could still feel their grubby hands all over me, ripping at my clothes, pulling my hair. I shuddered at the memory.

“Is there something wrong with wanting to know more about our mate?” Draevyn asked, condescension dripping off his words.

Was he for real? I laughed out loud. “It is when it’s clear you don’t want to mate with me.”

His mouth fell open. “I never said that.”

I shook my head, frustration pounding a gong in my ears. “You do by your actions.”

His wings snapped open as he scowled down at me like he was reprimanding a child. “You’re avoiding my question.”

“And you’re avoiding my accusation.”

Draevyn threw up his hands, his wings flapping with the movement. “You’re infuriating, you know that?”

I flashed a saccharine smile. “And you’re not?”

“Their stockings feel dry.” Blaze stood, lifting Aurora in his arms while shooting Draevyn a glare. “Are we ready to go?”

I stood, too, wrapping my cape around me. “Yes, thank you.” Then I frowned when I noticed how the girls clung to Nikkos and Blaze. They didn’t want to let their protectors go, and I knew why. They were afraid I’d make them fly with Draevyn. Ugh. I wouldn’t subject my nieces to his company, which meant I was stuck with him again.

Blaze crossed over to me, an eager look in his eyes. “Shirina, did you want to fly with me today?” Aurora gave me a pleading look as she wrapped her arms tighter around his neck.

I rubbed her back and kissed her cheek. “Don’t worry, baby,” I whispered to her. “I won’t make you fly with the bad man.”

She beamed at me. “Thank you, Auntie.”