Page 23 of Rage of Her Ravens

“We stayed here a few weeks ago and didn’t come across any trolls,” the youthful brother said as he led us to a corner and motioned toward a smooth slab of stone that was wide enough for me and the girls to sleep on.

“That doesn’t mean they’re not here now.” I spun a slow circle. The cave was relatively shallow, and I didn’t see any monsters lurking anywhere.

“We’d smell them if they were nearby,” the youthful brother said, making a face. “Troll dung has an unmistakable stench.”

I blew out a breath, hoping he was right.

Aurora jumped on the slab and scrambled across it. I cringed when I noticed her stockings were already full of holes. I cursed myself for forgetting to bring their shoes. And yet, neither of the girls complained. Ember asked to be let down, and she joined her sister, beating her straw doll’s head against the slab as she crawled across it, following her sister as they explored the cave, hopping from one rock to another.

“I think three fire mages and a siren can take on the trolls,” the feral-looking mage said as he dumped an armful of branches into what looked like an old burn pit toward the mouth of the cave.

I stiffened at the comparison. “I’m not a siren.” From what my father had told me, sirens were hideous Fae-eating ocean creatures with human voices and fangs.

He hit the branches with a burst of flame, instantly igniting them before turning to me. The glow from the firelight highlighted the sharp angles of his face, making him look even more feral. “Then what are you?”

I didn’t sense any malice in his tone, so I answered, “A witch.”

His nostrils flared as if he was trying to scent my magic. “Who has the siren’s call.”

“Yes,” I answered, feeling suddenly self-conscious as all three brothers gaped at me.

“Amazing,” the youthful brother said, his grin widening. He’d doused the flames on his hand and jutted a thumb in his chest. “I’m Nikkos.” He nodded toward the feral brother. “This is Blaze.” He slapped Draevyn’s back. “And you’ve already met Drae.”

“Yeah,” I said sarcastically. “I’ve met Draevyn.” I refused to look into his brother’s eyes, knowing they were probably full of malice and resentment. I plastered on a smile for Nikkos and Blaze. “I hope you’re both nicer than him.”

Nikkos blanched, then elbowed his brother. “What did you say to her, Drae?”

Draevyn threw up his hands, grumbling. “I’m taking first watch.” Before anyone could stop him, he stormed out of the cave and shot into the sky.

“Sorry about him.” Nikkos dragged a hand down his face with a groan. “He’s had a rough night.”

“Haven’t we all?” I spat.

“Yeah, that’s no excuse.” Nikkos clenched his hands by his sides. “Are you tired, Shiri? ItisShiri, right?”

“Shirina,” I corrected. I wasn’t ready to be on such a familiar basis with them yet. Mates or not, they were still Malvolia’s mages.

Nikkos’s face turned the color of the fire’s flames, and I felt a momentary stab of guilt for the way I’d treated him.

“Okay, Shirina,” he said, his smile appearing plastered to his face. “If you give me a few minutes, I’ll get your bed set up.”

“I’d appreciate it.” I flashed a hesitant smile as I sat down and smoothed my skirts across my legs.

His eyes lit up, his grin emphasizing the cute dimples in his cheeks. “Of course.”

“Are you or the children hungry?” Blaze asked while wiping soot off his hands. “We could hunt something for you.”

I wrapped my arms around myself, keeping an eye on the girls when they wandered too close to the fire. “We had supper already, thank you.”

As if attuned to my fears, Nikkos ushered the girls away from the fire. “We’ll make a place for you and the girls to sleep.”

I held out my arms and the girls came to me. I wrapped my cloak around their shoulders, tucking them against my sides, wincing when the straw from Ember’s doll pierced my skin. “That would be nice.”

Ember blinked up at me. “Why did we leave Pappo and Yaya?”

“Didn’t you hear, Em?” Aurora looked around my chest at her sister. “They lied about our mama, and they were going to have a bad man change our memories.”

I was painfully aware of Nikkos and Blaze pretending to stoke the fire while listening to the girls’ conversation.