Page 82 of Keeping Promises

I share a worried look with her men, and sounding slightly unsure because of how my suggestion might be received, I say, “Why don’t you guys head home? It’s gone midnight. Lyric needs some time to decompress.” When they start to protest, although not that heavily, I add, “We all need to go to bed; it's been a long day already, and we need to look at this with fresh eyes. There’s not much we can do now, even if Pete manages to get a live aerial of the building, because it's night, we aren’t going to be able to see much of anything.”

“Ever is right,” Jynx agrees standing up, “we all need to get some rest and we can meet up here first thing in the morning to really get started and put all the plans in motion to go and get Rylie and Quinn.”

“We will be no good to either of them if we’re running on empty,” Atlas adds.

“Tired agents make mistakes.” Rage says, quoting Mr R and something that he’s drilled into us multiple times.

Jonah nods as he looks around at his family, his worried eyes falling on Lyric, “They’re right. Come on, let's get home. We can come back first thing in the morning, but stress is not good for the baby, and although it's unavoidable in this situation, it is something that we can minimize.”

“Yeah, okay,” Lyric replies, standing up and sounding absolutely exhausted.

Everyone else gets up as well, sharing a relieved look because we all know that Lyric needs to get some proper rest.

“I’ll have breakfast ready for everyone by seven tomorrow. Come up when you want, and as soon as everyone is here, we’ll eat and get properly onto planning the extraction.” Rafe suggests as we walk everyone to the door.

“I’ll call Carter first thing in the morning and have him put the plane on standby and prepare everything for us, so we can just leave when we want to,” Jynx adds, and I can see the relief starting to flow through Lyric and her men that we’re not being idle when it comes to this and that we will be getting to it as quickly as we possibly can.

“That’s a good idea,” Riot replies.

“I’m hoping that we can head out tomorrow evening, fly overnight, and then start our surveillance by the next day. We just need to ensure that we can see Hunt and maybe even Rylie or Quinn, and then we can move in.” Trick replies.

“Great, we’ll go over it more tomorrow. For now, everyone needs to go to bed,” Elijah reinforces as we all start to linger, and it effectively gets us going again.

“He means you too, Pete,” Ace says to Peter with a raised eyebrow and a knowing look.

Pete looks mildly guilty, like he’s been caught, as he replies, “Fine, but I will be here at seven sharp to eat, drink copious amounts of coffee, and get this sorted.”

Ace grins, “I think we all will.”

Jynx heads out of the door, threading her fingers through Lyric’s and prompting them all to follow after her.

“Call me if you need me, Lyric,” I call after her and she turns back to smile over her shoulder at me.

“I will, don’t worry. I am absolutely exhausted though, like you pointed out, and I’m going to try and get some sleep so that I can be fully awake tomorrow morning and engaged in the conversation. I don’t want to miss some kind of important information just because I’m tired.” She replies.

“Sounds like a good plan,” I reply.

Once the door has closed behind them, there’s just a moment of silence before Riot says, “Fucking hell, Quinn.”

“Him leaving and disappearing really hurt them, and now, to find out that actually he never intended to leave them, and was doing a favor for Mr R and was then kidnapped, that’s got to be really messing with their heads,” Rafe adds, his face set in a deep frown, and his arms crossed over his chest.

“I can’t even imagine what they’re going through, all we need to do is make sure that we’re there for them,” I say, the worry undeniable in my voice.

“Let’s get to bed. We need to get up early tomorrow, and I have a feeling that it’s going to be a long day,” Trick starts and then looks at Rafe, Rage, and me and adds, “You three especially need to get some sleep. You’ve had a really long day today, and we need you well-rested for whatever is going to happen tomorrow.”

I nod, “You don’t need to tell me twice. I’m exhausted.”

We all say goodnight when we get to the landing at the top of the stairs and then split off into our separate bedrooms. I put pyjamas on when I went downstairs early to greet everyone earlier, so I settle into bed and put something on the TV to hopefully distract my mind from the eventful evening and day actually. Otherwise, I’m never going to be able to get sleep.

Surprisingly, or maybe not surprisingly, since today we managed to fit in enough stuff for at least a week, I fall asleep quickly, and if I do dream, I don’t remember.


“This smells amazing,” I tell Rafe as I walk into the kitchen at six thirty the next morning. “Do you need any help?”

He pulls me close and kisses me before smiling down at me and replying, “No, everything is pretty much doing its own thing. We’ve got twenty minutes before things need to start coming out, and we can start plating everything up. The bacon, eggs, and sausage links are all in the warming trays on the table, so they’re ready for people to help themselves, and I set the table already.”

“You’ve been up a while, huh?” I ask as I pour myself a coffee and then pour one for him as well.