Page 76 of Keeping Promises

I pause, “Does he actually, or are you just clearing the path for me?”

“I think he knew you’d want to have a word with the fucker, so yes, he did say that. His only warning was that he needs to stay alive.”

“Got it,” I grin sharply, I wink at my men who know full well that Shadow is about to come out to play, and are matching my smile with harsh smiles of their own.

I pull open the door to the back of the van, turning around and smiling cheerfully at Zemi, who looks slightly apprehensive as I close the doors behind me.


“She terrifies me,” I mutter out loud. I didn’t mean to, but then most of what I say I don’t actually mean to say so that others can hear me. When everyone looks at me and sounds of pain start to come from the van, I snort and point at it unnecessarily, “Seriously? You’re telling me that even a not-quite-sane person wouldn’t be slightly terrified of the noises coming out of that van?”

Rage chuckles, looking proud as he replies, “Yeah, okay. I guess you have a point.”

“Dude, it’s because she’s so tiny and looks innocent enough that you never expect her to do things like willingly shutting herself in the back of a van with a known serial killer,” Saint adds as he and Raiden finally make their way over to us.

Raiden winces slightly, “She kept her earpiece in. I know that she is more than okay in there, and the sounds were getting disturbing, so I took it out. I have it with me if you want to check on her?”

Rafe shakes his head, “Nope, she’ll let us know if she needs help. It’s best to just leave her to it.”

His response has all of us smiling. Ever is undoubtedly unique, and I often feel grateful that she decided to be on the right side of the law because I honestly don’t know if we’d be able to stop her if she was on the other side and decided to be one of the criminals that we go up against.

I find myself surrounded on all sides by my men, and yes, I call them mine in my head, a bit of wishful thinking and a tiny acknowledgment of my feelings toward them that I allow myself to have in my own mind at least. They’ve been a lot more protective and close since everything that happened at the retreat, and I have to admit that I’m not bothered by it in the slightest. Quite the opposite, in fact, I fucking love it.

“Are we sure she’s going to be okay in there?” I ask just because I worry, and although I’m more than aware that Ever is capable of looking after herself, I can't help but worry about her.

“Yeah, she’ll be fine. She knows better than anyone when to stop and how much a person can take before they can’t take anymore,” Rafe replies with a proud smile, having misread my worry.

Before I can point that out though, the sounds from the van fall silent, and the doors open, out steps, a blood-splattered Ever grinning and somehow looking more relaxed.

“He’s alive,” she tells us as she swipes her bloody knife on her jeans and then sheathes it. “He’s missing a few fingertips, and he’s a little bit bloody. He’s just taking a nap.”

“You say that like it was a nap he took willingly,” Saint chuckles.

Ever shrugs, “I never said that it was a willing nap.”

“Will he make the journey to the prison, or does he need to be seen?” Raiden asks her, and I feel my lips twitch.

“He’ll be fine, in a lot of pain, but none of his injuries are life-threatening.” Ever confirms.

Raid nods and then adds, “Did he tell you anything?”

“Nothing useful,” she confirms and then asks, “so what’s the plan now?”

“You guys can take the surveillance van back to headquarters so that you can grab your car and get home,” Zep explains and then adds, “and we’ll take him and get him transferred.”

“Sounds good,” Ever smiles, “thanks for including us. We needed an easy case.”

I frown. I wasn’t aware that they were on a case, but of course, they can't talk about it, “Tough case?”

“You have no idea,” Rafe replies.

“See you later guys, we’ll get the reports written up and sent over to you,” Rage adds.

After saying goodbye, we all watch them climb in the other van and take off before we get back to doing our job.

Chapter Twenty-Five
