Page 74 of Keeping Promises

“Did you guys go over the file that we sent?” Raiden asks us as soon as we step foot out of the car.

I nod, “Yeah, we’re all caught up.”

“Great, we’re going to head out in the surveillance van, and then Saint and I will stay in the van and keep an eye on everything since neither of us is up to being involved, and we don’t want to risk any of you,” he replies.

Rage nods, “Okay, that sounds good to me. I guess that we’re going to be driving the prison van?”

“Yeah, you guys can follow us in that, and then when we’ve got him, we’ll swap so that we can drop him off, and you guys can head home,” Wilder replies with a smile.

“Got it,” I grin. I’m more than happy to leave the prison transport and subsequent paperwork to them. I fucking hate paperwork. Especially since this kind of paperwork is so intense and detailed. It really fucking sucks.

“We’re going to surround the house and then all enter at the same time. All the comms will be hooked up together so that we can communicate and make sure that we all enter at the same time,” Zemi adds, shifting from foot to foot and looking ready to get going.

Like Jensen, she isn’t very good at staying still, especially when there’s a job to do. I have to admit that I’m with her on this occasion; I don’t want to stay still either. I just want to get on with it and get going. Blowing stuff up today was great fun and definitely helped with the frustration of the lack of progress when it comes to Rylie, but it will be really nice to get the bad guy and achieve the goal without the delay.

We go through a quick rundown on what will happen when we get inside, which is all pretty much the standard process, and after they’ve reminded us that we need to take him in alive, which makes me smile, we set off following Raiden and the others in their van.

We stay silent as we head to the fucker's current base of operations, even though it’s a fair drive from headquarters. It’s quiet in our van, which is how we usually are when we go on jobs, at least it is for us three; we tend to remain silent as everyone else talks around us. It’s not because of nerves, at least it isn’t for me; it's more about calming my mind and getting into the right headspace to do what needs to be done while we’re on the job.

It also helps me to prepare for the worst-case scenarios, which probably isn’t a healthy thing to do, but it's what I do, and it’s how I’ve always done it, so that’s how it's going to be. There's no point in changing my process now; it's what works for me.

I go through the plan in my mind, cementing it in my memory so that I don’t have any questions or hesitations when it comes to actually executing the plan at the perpetrator's location. That also helps to calm my mind and keep me focused.

I fucking love that I get to do this for a job.

“We’re about five minutes out,” Rafe says from the driving seat and effectively pulls Rage and me out of our thoughts as he adds, “Raiden wants us to turn on the earpieces now so that we can communicate properly.”

“Got it,” I reply as I reach up to my ear and press a tiny button that switches it on. “Testing.”

“Hey!” Zemi’s excited voice comes through the earpiece and makes me smile.

“You guys park up on the left, and we’re going to park just slightly further up so that Saint and Raiden have a good sight line to the house,” Zep explains.

“Alright, we’ll head around the back while you take the front,” Rafe replies as he pulls the van over. “Is one of you going to bring the van closer so that we don’t create a scene once we’ve got him?”

“Yeah, that’s the plan,” Raiden replies.

“See you in there,” I add as Rafe, Rage, and I step out onto the dark street.

Unlike where we found the second location for Rylie, this neighborhood is run down. Most of the houses look to be unoccupied, and if they are, the people inside aren’t going to be bothered about what’s going on out here, which will play in our favor quite well.

The file didn’t say anything about any known associates, but that doesn’t mean that he doesn’t have any. It isn’t a massive problem, but it does mean that we need to be aware that there could be more than just him in the house and that if there is someone else in the house, there is every possibility that they are innocent and in the likelihood that this does turn violent, we need to make sure that we do everything to keep them out of harm's way.

I’m not going to lie; it would be a hell of a lot easier if there were no one else in there.

I share a look with my men and blow them a kiss, making them smile as we silently make our way through the night and toward the house that we know belongs to him. From the outside, there is nothing that would give it away as different from any of the others. It’s in just as much disrepair as all the other houses on the street. Of course, that’s probably because this isn’t his house. We know what happened to the people that used to live here; they became his victims. We aren’t actually sure how he’s managed to retain his anonymity here and not get reported, but I’m guessing that it has something to do with claiming to be a relative who’s looking after the house while they’re out of town or something similar.

As we round the house, noting the trash everywhere in the backyard, we all position ourselves at the back door, ready to enter as soon as we’re given the go-ahead.

“Now,” Raiden’s voice comes through the ear pieces sounding tense, and because I’ve worked with him before, I know that it’s not because we’re doing a job, especially this job, which is far simpler and less dangerous than our usual jobs, Raiden is nervous because he’s not in here with us and has to watch everything from the van.

Just like Trick, he hates not being there with his team, which is probably why Trick and he get on so well; they understand each other.

Rage wastes no time in kicking down the door as we hear a bang from the front as the front door is taken down at the same time. We stay silent as we keep our guns raised and clear the house. Sounds of yelling and a fight coming from the front of the house have the three of us speeding up and keeping alert as we walk through the kitchen, but wanting to get to Zemi and the others just in case something goes wrong or there is more than one person that we need to be aware of.

We needn’t have worried though. When we round the corner into the front room, it’s to see Zep kneeling on the fuckers back and securing him tightly. The fucker looks worse for wear and clearly put up a fight that he had no chance of winning, as his face is already looking bruised, and there’s blood dripping down into his eye’s which are filled with fear and disbelief, disbelief that after all of this time, he’s finally been caught and can no longer continue his murder spree across the country, one that he has somehow gotten away with for nearly two decades.

“I’m going to secure him in the van,” Zep tells us, pulling the guy roughly to his feet.