Page 45 of Keeping Promises

“That’s okay, man. No pressure. We’ve got a starting point, and that’s more than we had this morning,” Cash reminds him, making him smile in response, although he doesn’t look up from what he’s doing, and Ace moves from where he’s snuggling Jynx to look over his shoulder.

It doesn’t take very much time at all before they’re both thoroughly absorbed in what they’re doing and have lost the rest of us entirely.

Clearly deciding to leave him to it, Riot sits forward in his seat and says to the rest of us, “So, when are we going to check out the warehouse?”

“We’re going to Pete’s parents' place for New Year's Eve in four days,” Trick reminds us all, “so really, we need to go tomorrow.”

“It’s an eight-hour drive,” Luc tells us, his phone in his hand and having clearly looked up the location. “That’s roughly where it is. We’re going to have to find the exact location when we get there. It looks pretty isolated from what I can tell on the map, so it has probably been made to look abandoned or something like that.”

“That’s a good point.” Trick agrees.

“We can’t go tomorrow. We’re going to have to do it the day after,” Jensen suddenly interrupts.

“Why?” Cash asks, sounding confused.

“The three of us have our checkups tomorrow to see how we’re progressing and how much longer you two are going to be in casts, and I’m going to have to wait to work out and build my strength again,” Jensen explains.

“Oh shit, I completely forgot about that,” I reply, chastising myself internally.

“You guys actually have to go back to the hospital for this appointment, don’t you?” Riot asks.

“Yeah,” Trick replies.

“It might be pushing it slightly, but we can go the day after tomorrow. It won't make too much difference,” Mason points out.

“Someone should probably contact Lyric and the guys and see if they want to make the trip, too. They did say they wanted to stay in the loop,” Riot adds.

Trick shakes his head, “Jonah, Dominic, and Ezra are all leaving tomorrow to go on one of the cases that we couldn’t do. I know that the others would rather stay closer to home, even though they'll only be gone for a couple of days. I will send them a quick message to let them know what is going on just in case.”

“Good idea, but you’re right. The others won’t want to go anywhere while they’re split up. Lyric especially will want to stay close to home at the moment in case they need her.” Jynx replies, sharing a look with me.

Lyric has shared with us both that her anxiety is pretty fucking bad at the moment, and all those worst-case scenario thoughts are gaining a little bit more traction than they usually would. Fortunately, her men are aware of it, and they’re all working together to try and lessen her anxiety and help her as much as possible.

“Okay, so it’s settled then. The three of us will go to our doctor appointments tomorrow and, hopefully, return home with good news, and then we can go and check out the warehouse the day after.” Trick says and then looks over at Jynx and her men, “Does that work for you guys?”

Rip nods, “Yeah, that sounds good to us. It will actually give Jynx the chance to do something about the giant hole in the wall of the house that we just brought.”

Jynx narrows her eyes at him, “We don’t want that wall there anymore.”

Mal chuckles, “No, we don’t, but we were going to get it professionally taken down.”

Jynx scoffs, “Where’s the fun in that?”

“She has a point,” I agree with a smirk.

“Of course, you’d agree, Squirt,” Rome grins, calling me by my nickname that they gave me so long ago.

Before I can retort with my usual fuck off, Ace suddenly tunes in and says, “We aren’t going to be able to find the second location today. I’m going to hack into a few things, and Pete’s going to do the same, and hopefully, between the two of us, we’re going to be able to find it.”

Trick jumps straight back into work mode as he repeats himself, knowing that they both would have been too focused on what they were doing and the complexities of it to have been listening to our conversation, “That’s fine. We’re going to the first location the day after tomorrow now because of doctor appointments. So, you guys have an entire day to carry on working on it without interruption. Not only that but as we said before, there’s no rush. We’ve got at least one lead to focus on at the moment.”

“Great,” Ace says, and then turns back to Pete, “Do you want to come over to ours tomorrow, and we’ll try and see if we can work this out?”

Pete nods, “Yeah, that sounds good to me. Just text me and let me know when.”

“Will do,” Ace replies, still frowning at the screen.

“Alright, why don’t we call it a night,” Trick starts and then frowns as his phone starts ringing, interrupting him. He pulls out his phone, and his expression becomes even more severe as he puts it on speakerphone so that we can all hear and says, “Mr R, is everything okay?”