Page 22 of Keeping Promises

Rafe is in the kitchen with Riot, making a quick lunch for us and preparing what smells like curry for dinner with the parents tonight. It is Rafe though, so he has not done the minimum. I know for a fact that he’s made his own samosas and onion bhajis, of course, he’s made the naan bread as well and he was really disappointed that he couldn’t make the poppadoms because he ran out of time and we’re going to have to use the backup ones that we have.

It doesn’t stop there; he’s also had Riot make a variety of chutneys, and quite honestly, the smells coming out of the kitchen have been making my stomach growl with hunger. I’m using it as a reward for getting everything that I needed to do, done before the parents arrive..

I pause briefly in arranging the Christmas cushions on the couch when my phone vibrates, and I pull it out to look down.

Jynx: Dude, my uncle, and his besties are massive fucking moaners. They’re bitching something fucking chronic. Send help.

Me: Haha, nope, no way, dude, that one is all yours. Besides, my advice would be just to carry on drinking. You can’t have a hangover if you’re still drunk, although the downside to that is that Christmas doesn’t last forever, and at some point, they’re going to have to sober up and get to real life, and the hangover will be so much worse.

Jynx: Yeah, they can sober up now. They need to be relatively sober for tomorrow; otherwise, fuck knows what they could slip up and say to all the parents. Also, you are rambling even by text; why are you so nervous? It’s just the parents; you adore them, and they adore you.

Before I can reply, a text comes through from Lyric, and I click on it before I respond to Jynx.

Lyric: Breathe, chill out, you will be fine, and you’re stressing for nothing. Love ya.

Me: How the hell did you know I was freaking out?

Lyric: Bitch please, I’m your bestie. Now go and kiss one or all of your men and chill out.

Me: Love ya.

Lyric: I know.

Deciding not to reply to that and make her even more cocky than she already is, I switch back over to Jynx’s conversation and respond honestly.

Me: I’m freaking out because this is the first time they’ve come up to our house, and I just want everything to be perfect.

Jynx: They’re going to love the house; it always looks amazing, and you and the guys have made it into the perfect home. They’re going to be super proud of you. So, grab the man closest to you, make sure that he’s yours, and kiss him until you feel all that tension drain out of you. I’d suggest you have a quicky, but I don’t think you’ve got time for that.

I can’t help but chuckle out loud at that, and when Atlas, who just happens to walk past me, stops and raises a questioning eyebrow, I simply respond by smirking and running at him. His eyebrows raise, but he easily catches me, well used to me throwing myself at him with very little warning by now. I do it a lot; that’s one thing that definitely hasn’t changed over the years.

“Whoa, Princess, are you okay?” he asks, “Do you . . .”

My lips brush against his, shutting him up immediately as he growls, his arms tightening around me. He allows mere seconds of control of the kiss before he takes over, and it’s so consuming that everything just fades away. All the worry, the stress, everything, hell, I even forget my own name. All that exists is him and me.

That’s it.

The tension from before drains away as another kind of tension starts to build, and my hands grip Atlas’s hair tightly. My tongue dances with his as I feel us move, and I don’t care enough to find out where he’s taking me, I am completely his to do with what he will, at this point. My back presses against the wall as Atlas takes advantage of its extra support to allow one of his hands to wander, caressing up the outside of my thigh before it skims up my side, his thumb flicking over my nipple. I thank my lucky stars that I wore a bralette today and not one of my padded ones.

My back arches, but my mouth stays fused to Atlas’s as he nips my lip and then soothes the bite with his tongue. Eventually, the kiss slows down and turns gentle, his lips just brushing against mine in a tender kiss that is entirely different from how our kiss first started. My hands change from tugging on his hair to running through it gently as he pulls back and rests his forehead against mine.

My smile is huge as I say quietly, “Thank you, I needed that. I feel like I haven’t seen you properly for a while. We had the job and then the guys, and now Christmas, and I honestly feel like I’m not seeing any of you enough.”

“Anytime you need me, you know I’m here, and I know what you mean, but like you said, it’s been incredibly busy. After Christmas, things will get back to normal and slow down a little bit. Probably not by much, but enough that we can all spend some proper time together.” He replies.

“I know, but you know me, I always find it difficult when we don’t get to spend enough time with each other.”

He smiles and kisses me softly again, “And that’s why we all love you.”

“The parents are here,” Jensen says from somewhere behind Atlas, and I shift slightly from where he’s got me pressed against the wall and meet the heated eyes of Jensen, who has perched his ass on the back of the couch.

“How long have you been there for?” I ask with a smile.

“Since about halfway through,” Atlas replies, and it shocks me that he was even aware that Jensen came in.

“We’ll have time to spend some proper time together after Christmas, Angel,” Jensen replies, confirming what Atlas said, that he has been there for a while, “even with the research for the Rylie case, we’re going to be spending a lot of time going over files and surveillance and all that shit before we can find her, that will give us some time. Plus, you know Trick, he’ll ensure that we rest as well, although he’s most likely going to split the days off into shifts so that we can still work.”

I start nodding in agreement as Atlas lowers me to the floor finally and then turns to face Jensen as well.