Page 12 of Keeping Promises

“Oh yeah, definitely, but he’s getting better by the day, and we can take him shooting or something when the weather allows us to, and that should help to tame that itch in him. I think he’s got a week or so left before the doctor said he can start doing gentle exercise to build strength up again.”

“We’re just going to have to make sure that he doesn’t try to do too much too quickly and ends up setting himself back,” Rage replies, and then glancing over my shoulder, curses, “shit, the snows got heavier, that’s my fault, but I really wanted to know if you were okay with it all.”

“Thank you,” I reply with gratitude as I pull him closer with a gloved hand and kiss him. “Now, let's go before we’re stuck up here. The horses may have food, but we don’t, and I’m hungry now.”

“You always get snacky after sex,” Rage chuckles, sounding thoroughly amused before he opens the door to the barn and effectively cuts off my retort as the cold air takes my breath away, and I suddenly feel like I’m not wearing enough layers.

We both rush towards the four-wheelers, which have a light dusting of snow over them now, but the snow is coming down so quickly that if we’d waited any longer, there would’ve been a hell of a lot more.

“Don’t go too fast on the way back. We need to remain cautious,” Rage tells me worriedly, “you go first, and I’ll follow behind just in case something happens. It’s getting even heavier. Hopefully, we can make it back in time without getting stuck.”

“Got it,” I reply, as I grip the handlebars and start it up.

I immediately start to head back down the path to the house. It’s not too far away, thankfully, but in this weather, that doesn’t really mean much, and in retrospect, maybe we shouldn’t have taken the time to have sex in the barn.

Not that I regret it; I don’t think anyone could regret sex that good.

I realise that I’m getting distracted again, so I put all thoughts of sex out of my mind and focus. The snow is really starting to come down, and it’s getting to the point where I’m going to begin to struggle to see much more than just vague shapes in front of me, and I’m not entirely confident of my ability to navigate our way home if I can't see very well.

My sense of direction is still awful.

But it’s a reasonably straight track with only one turning. As we get closer to the house, the trick is going to be not to miss the track because I really haven’t explored in the other direction enough to know it in almost whiteout snowfall.

“The turn is in one hundred yards!” Rage’s voice sounds over the roar of the engines, and I thank anyone who wants to listen that this man knows me well enough to know that I’m not going to be able to find it in this weather.

“Got it!” I call back, my eyes ahead; now is not the time to do anything but focus on the road ahead.

I manage to make the turning in time thanks to Rage’s warning, but less than a minute after I make the turn and start down the last part of the track that will lead us to the backyard and a straight shot to the house, there’s an almighty bang that almost sounds like thunder and panic shoots through me.

“Keep going! I’m okay; a branch just broke under the weight of the snow!” Rage calls out, and instantly, my racing heart calms down as I speed back up again, unsure when I’d actually slowed down.

We’re so close that I can almost taste Rafe’s hot chocolate. As soon as the house comes into view, I breathe a sigh of relief, and although I desperately just want to drive as close to the doors as possible and abandon the four wheeler’s, I know I can't because that would mean leaving them out in the worst of the elements and there’s no telling whether they would survive or not, but the chances are that they would have some damage.

So, with this in mind, I reluctantly steer mine toward the lean-to thing that we usually store them in, with Rage on my heels as we quickly park them and then trudge what feels like miles, even though it is only a few feet toward the door on the new extension that’s going to let us into the warm relief of the house.

The snow tries to blind me as my feet sink into the snow, and the wind makes my face hurt; Rage’s arm wraps around me, tucking me into his side and letting me know that he’s here and I haven’t somehow lost him. Finally, we reach the door. I dramatically stumble through the doors and lie down on the floor while Rage shuts the door behind us, and we both pant heavily from the excursion and the adrenaline rush.

That was one hell of a workout.

“You guys look cold,” Jensen smirks, looking down at me, but concern floods his eyes as he asks, “Are you okay?”

“We were just about to come and find you,” Trick adds with a frown, and I tilt my head back, my eyes partially obscured by the fur on my hood, as I point at him from the floor.

“Have you taken your meds?” I ask him firmly, “You’re due.”

Trick frowns, staring down. “Why are you only asking me?”

Chapter Five

Iroll my eyes, “Because Cash knows how important it is to take his pain meds, and Jensen is in too much pain not to but you; although you are in pain, you’re fighting it, so have you taken your pain meds?”

Rafe suddenly appears just behind Trick, a handful of meds in one hand and a glass of water in the other as he holds them out to Trick, he says, “I told you she was going to ask.”

I chuckle as I start to push myself up from the floor but end up realising that I am, in fact, stuck because I’m wearing so many freaking layers. “Help?” I plead, and several different chuckles sound around the room as Atlas steps forward to actually help me get up.

“You remind me of a turtle stuck on its back,” he tells me with an amused half-smile as he hauls me to my feet.

I hold up my hand, still encased in its mitten, as I reply, “You can’t see, but I’m flipping you off right now.”