Page 77 of Keeping Promises

“That was fun,” I say as we finally get back in our car and head home.

“It looked like you had fun,” Rafe comments from the driving seat.

I shrug as I try not to think about what I’m covered in, “He deserved it, and more, to be honest, I also told Jensen that I’d give him hell.”

“Oh, I’m not arguing, Baby,” Rafe clarifies, “he definitely deserved to feel some of the pain that his victims felt, even if it was only a tiny amount.”

“He’s right,” Rage agrees. “I’ve just messaged the others to let them know that the mission was a success, that we’re on the way home, and that we’ll fill them in properly when we get home.”

“Good idea. They will be worrying despite how easy this case is compared to some of our other ones.” I reply, knowing that I’d be feeling exactly the same if it was me.

“Exactly,” Rage replies.

“At least we’re not getting back too late,” I add.

“That’s true,” Rafe agrees.

The drive home is relaxed and I hope that having the fucker finally behind bars will allow Jensen and his dad to start healing properly. They deserve that.

When we get home, we’re greeted by the guys, and Cash immediately moves to wrap his arms around me.

I hold my hand up, making him pause, and the others all look at me curiously, “I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I’m covered in blood, and it’s not mine.”

Cash’s confusion turns into a proud smile as he replies, “You had fun then.”

“Yep,” I search for Jensen, whose smile is feral as he watches me, and I say, “he’s been taken care of. He’s on his way to the worst place that we could think to send him, and he’s missing a few fingertips now.”

The relief that cascades over Jensen’s features is massive as his smile turns into something softer, “Thank you.”

“You don’t need to thank me,” I reply, “he deserved what he got and a hell of a lot more. I’m going to let the guys debrief you though, because I desperately want to shower and get this blood off me.”

“Alright, Sweetheart, you go and do that, yell if you need any of us,” Trick says softly.

Nodding, I start to walk past all of my men, only to be stopped by Jensen grabbing my hand. He smirks, “There’s none on your lips.”

I smile as he kisses me thoroughly, but somehow manages to keep space between us so that I don’t get any blood on him.

“Can we give the debrief in the kitchen?” Rafe asks almost predictably, “We haven’t eaten, and I know for a fact that Ever’s hungry.”

“Damn, straight I am,” I reply with a chuckle as I pull back from Jensen.

Trick chuckles as he replies, “Of course we can.”

“I’ll be quick,” I tell them, making them all chuckle because they know that it’s mainly because I’m hungry and not because I want to add anything to the conversation.

I ignore them as I take the stairs two at a time and then assess my clothing as I get to my room. It really is only splatters here and there, so there’s no need for these clothes to go in the trash. Which I am always grateful for because I hate waste and I hate throwing things away just because of a little bit of blood.

Reaching into the shower, I turn the water on so that its almost burning hot, take my phone out of my pocket and place it on the bathroom counter along with all of my weapons, and then strip out of my clothes, being careful not to get any of the blood that’s on my clothes on my skin, or at least trying to, dumping them all into the hamper in the corner of the bathroom before stepping under the steaming water and washing the day away.

I don’t take long in the shower, mainly because I can start to smell the food that Rafe is cooking wafting up the stairs, and my mouth is salivating. I should have known that he wouldn’t do something as simple as just making sandwiches, and I fucking love him for that.

Of course, in my haste to get into the shower and out of my blood-splattered clothes, I didn’t bring any spare clothes in here with me, so when I step out of the shower, I wrap a big fluffy towel around myself and grab my phone off the counter as I walk out of the bathroom.

Out of habit, I check my phone to see if Pete or the girls have messaged me, and I pause in my onward trajectory toward my closet when I see that I have a message from an unknown number. I can’t explain it, but before I’ve even clicked on it, my heart starts beating faster, pounding in my chest. As soon as I read the first couple of words, I do an about-turn and rush out of my room and down the stairs, heading straight into the kitchen.

The guys being guys all start wolf whistling and making comments on my appearance since I’m in just a towel, but for the first time ever, I don’t bother to reply or retort.

“Guys!” I yell over the sound, and they instantly fall silent, sensing that something has happened.