Page 73 of Keeping Promises

“I think that anyone in your position would be feeling the same way. It’s going to give you and your dad closure, which, after so long, you definitely both need,” I reply, squeezing his hand.

“Exactly.” He replies, lifting my hand to his lips and kissing it, “Let’s go and find out what’s going on.”

Walking through the front door, we find Trick and the others all waiting in the front room, and I read the atmosphere quickly, taking a breath of relief when there’s no real tension or sign of something being seriously wrong. That’s a good sign. I really hope that, for Jensen’s sake, they haven’t lost track of the fucker who murdered his mom and sister.

“What’s up?” Jensen asks as he plops himself down on the couch next to Rage.

“As I told Ever, Raiden called. They’ve found the guy who murdered Jensen’s mom, sister, and multiple others, and they’re heading out in a couple of hours to bring him in.” Trick starts to explain and then looks at me, “Raiden mentioned that you had offered them help since they’re down a few members still like we are?”

I nod, “Yeah, that’s right. They’re down two members, much like we are, and we don’t want to risk the fucker escaping, so I offered our help. Plus, we knew even at that point that the Rylie case was going to go slowly, so I thought it would be a nice mix-up.”

“They’ve asked for backup tonight, and I’m guessing that you want to be one of the people going?” Trick asks.

I nod enthusiastically, “Absolutely. I could do with kicking some ass and doing a relatively normal job.”

Trick smiles and opens his mouth to reply but gets interrupted by Jensen, “Obviously, I’m not going to be involved. Not only is it, not a good idea while I’m not at one hundred percent, but also because I can’t guarantee that I’d be able to keep my calm, and that fucker needs to suffer for a long time.”

Trick’s face becomes serious as he nods, “I think that’s a really wise choice, man.”

“I’ll go with you,” Rage offers, violence lighting his eyes.

“Me too. I could do with getting out of the house,” Rafe offers.

“Great, I told them we’d send at least three, so that works out well. The rest of us can go over some of the Rylie details and see if Pete or Ace have found anything. We’re getting really close to stalling, and we need to try and work out where we go next if that happens.” Trick replies.

“Sound’s good to me,” I say, deciding not to comment on the stalling part of his sentence as I stand up. “I’m going to go and get ready. Where are we meeting them?”

“At headquarters, it seemed like a good idea since you don’t want to be driving our personal vehicle to the crime scene. The last thing we need is for it to be tracked down.” Trick replies.

“Good point,” I reply.

As I start to leave the room to get changed and grab some of my weapons, I pause when Rage asks, “Is there anything we need to know?”

“I’m going to print the case notes off for you so you can read them in the car on the way to headquarters. It will be quicker than trying to go through it with you all now. You haven’t got much time before you need to get to headquarters. They’re on a pretty tight schedule since there’s only a small window where they know that he’s definitely going to be at the address. After that, it gets a little bit dicey,” Trick explains.

“Got it.” Rage replies and then turns to look at Rafe and me, “Meet by the front door in ten?”

Rafe nods as he gets up, “I’m pretty much ready anyway.”

“Sounds good,” I reply, switching my mindset to work mode as I take the stairs two at a time to change, and the other two head into the weapons room to pick their own weapons.

As I get dressed in something black, durable, and that won’t easily show up any blood stains I get on it, as well as my favourite boots for working in, it occurs to me that I’m the only person that keeps their favourite weapons in their room instead of in the weapons room with everyone else’s. I know that they have maybe one or two, but I keep all of mine in my room. I think it’s most likely a habit from when I was younger that I haven’t let go of, and to be honest, I probably won't. I have very specific weapons that I like to use, and although I will go into the weapons room to pick up a couple more if I need them, it’s rare, and those extras always go back to where they belong.

I double-check my weapons before I leave the room and amend my previous thoughts. I know for a fact that Jensen has a lot of knives in his room; he actually has a lot of knives hidden all around this house and has a similar connection to them as I do.

“All ready?” Jensen asks, looking slightly worried as I reach the bottom step of the stairs.

I nod, pulling him for a tight hug and then kissing him passionately, when I pull back I add, “Don’t worry we’re going to get him, and we’re going to get justice for your mom and your sister, and for all the other people that he’s hurt without remorse.”

Jensen’s smile is vicious, “I know, make him bleed for me.”

“You bet your ass I will,” I reassure him, my smile matching his.

I quickly go around to each of my men and say goodbye. Normally, they’d all look slightly nervous at this point, but this is a fairly straightforward case. There’s a lot of us going after one person, so there’s not too much threat to Rafe, Rage, and me, and that’s even taking into account that these things never go to plan.

By the time that we get back, Jensen will be able to have closure finally, and so will his dad.

Chapter Twenty-Four