Page 68 of Keeping Promises

“Are you sure?” Trick asks as we all stare at the very ordinary-looking suburban house in front of us.

It’s not even like we’re in a run-down neighborhood we’re not it’s a nice middle-class neighborhood, complete with people walking dogs and even a jogger, although I have to question her sanity, considering it’s New Year's Day and still cold as fuck.

“For some reason, this creeps me out more than an insane asylum would,” Riot mutters, hums of agreement sounding around the car.

I definitely feel the same way. In my experience, normal can hide a lot more evil than the places that you would assume harbored evil.

“Everyone stay alert and be aware that you may need to pull your weapons at a second notice. Obviously, you can’t walk in with them drawn as it would attract too much attention.” Trick orders, sounding worried, and I know for a fact that he’s hating that he has to stay in the car right now.

“You got it,” Atlas replies, “I’ll call as soon as we’ve cleared the place.”

“Could you actually do what we did before and have us connected via phone call?” Cash asks.

“Of course, we really need to start bringing the earpieces with us,” I reply.

“I know, and we would be bringing them normally. I think because we’re doing it alongside doing family stuff as well, we’re forgetting the basics,” Riot points out.

“Yeah, maybe, alright, enough stalling; get in there and find us some sort of clue,” Trick orders.

“Yes, boss,” Rage replies with a smile as we all get out of the car.

Seeing us get out prompts Pete and Elijah to as well, and Pete says quietly, “Am I the only one super creeped out by this cookie cutter, Stepford, perfect place?”

“Nope, I am too,” I reply.

Fortunately, or maybe unfortunately, I haven’t decided yet, the door to the house is unlocked, and we can just walk straight in, which hopefully means that we aren’t going to gain any unwanted attention. In hindsight, we probably should’ve only sent a couple of us in. The inside is empty, not painted entirely white and sterile like the last place, but just empty, like someone has just moved out.

“Spread out and check to make sure that the place is really empty, and then we can have a proper look and see if we can find anything useful,” Rafe suggests, and everyone nods before splitting up and doing what he suggests.

I pair up with Luc as we head deeper into the house; it becomes evident pretty damn quickly that there’s no one here, and there hasn’t been anyone here for a while. We look everywhere that we can in the hopes that we find something that will give us an idea of

“I haven’t noticed any surveillance cameras or anything, have you?” Luc asks me as we lower our weapons and head back to the central area of the house to find the others.

“No, I haven’t,” I reply, smiling slightly when I see that Trick, Jensen, and Cash are now inside. Either Atlas gave them the go-ahead to come in, or they decided it was safe themselves.

“Did you find anything?” Trick asks as we join the others.

“No, and I’m guessing no one else did either?” I ask, my hope diminishing that we’re going to find anything worthwhile here.

“No people, obviously, but I did find this. It was hidden in the top of the closet, under a loose board at the top. It’s pure fucking fluke that I found it,” Riot replies as he holds up an envelope, “It’s addressed to you.”

“Me?” I reply as he hands it over, and sure enough, I see my name written on the front; quickly opening it, I pull out the piece of paper inside and read, “Hey girl, be fucking careful this isn’t your usual enemy, he’s fucked up. Love ya.”

“Is that all it says?” Rafe asks.

I flip the page over to double-check and then nod my head, replying with a frown, “That’s it. Which is fucking infuriating because surely she could have written something that would help us.”

“She must have known that you were working for Mr R, though; otherwise, how else would she know that we’d find the letter,” Elijah asks.

“Which means she also knew that if anything went wrong that, Mr R would call us in,” Trick points out.

"It also means that she was here, potentially staying here," Pete adds.

“And yet she still didn’t leave us any extra information,” I reply, “you know when we find her we’re going to have a long talk about leaving actual clues behind if one of us ever gets taken or is in trouble because this is driving me mad.”

“I know,” Jensen says, wrapping his arm around me and offering me some comfort.

“What’s our next step?” Atty asks, folding his arms over his chest and clearly as displeased as I am.