Page 52 of Keeping Promises

“We’ll let you know when it’s safe to drive around,” Rome tells Cash, Trick, and Jensen, who all nod, their faces grim.

“Let’s go,” Rage orders, and we all head off in the direction that Peter points.

Fortunately, it really isn’t that far, but as soon as the building comes into sight, we all pull our weapons, readying them just in case we need them. It quickly becomes apparent that we’re not going to though.

It looks like no one has been here for years. There are weeds growing everywhere brambles climbing up the cracking walls of the building. The windows are filthy and, in most cases, broken. The roof is even sagging dangerously in one corner.

“I don’t think we’re going to need our guns,” Jynx comments, and then looks at Ace and Pete, “are you guys sure this is the right place? It looks abandoned.”

Ace frowns but replies, “It’s where that Gauld guy said it would be, so yeah I’m sure. Let’s check the inside out.”

“Keep your weapons drawn; we already know that Hunt likes to pull tricks, and he was here, so there’s a chance that he’s got someone still here guarding it,” Atlas warns, and we all nod in agreement as we head toward the only door that is visible on this side of the building.

“It’s not even padlocked,” Luc frowns as Malachi checks the handle, and it easily opens.

We all share a look as Mal pulls the door open, and Rome and Atlas rush in with their weapons drawn as they check the inside, the rest of us following behind him.

The place is empty; that much is obvious, but that’s not what has us all gaping in shock.

“Well, I didn’t fucking expect that,” Pete mutters, looking around with wide eyes.

It’s fucking spotless, and I don’t just mean it's been swept clean, which in itself would be a direct contrast to the practically derelict exterior. I mean, the entire space, walls, ceiling, floor, everything is painted white and so freaking clean that I’d be challenged to find even a speck of dirt. At the very end of the room, there is a painted white staircase leading toward a second level that I’m assuming holds an office, there are windows lining the walls and it seems reasonably big, but we can’t see anything from here. It is the only other door in the place apart from the one that we walked through.

“Well, I doubt that we’re going to find anything in here, but it’s still a big space, so everyone split up and see what you can find,” Atlas orders everyone, and then pulls out his phone, adding, “if you aren’t already, you guys can make your way here it’s safe.”

“Thanks, dude,” Jensen says as he walks through the door with a smile, answering what Atlas has said on the phone.

I roll my eyes as I look at the three of them, “Seriously? You couldn’t even wait until we had officially given you the all-clear?”

"Of course, they couldn't," Mason smirks.

Cash just shrugs and gives me one of his most charming smiles while the other two stand there looking innocent.

“I’m going to check out the second floor,” I say.

“I’ll come too,” Peter adds, “I’m hoping there will be something in there that could help us because I really don’t think we’re going to find anything down here.”

“I’m just nosey. I want to come,” Jynx adds, “and I agree. I don’t think there’s anything here, but good luck, guys!”

The guys all grumble as they split up to look around thoroughly too, even pushing on the walls in case there are any pressure-point doors like the ones we have at home. We leave them to it as we head up the stairs, and I note that whoever used this place must have had those sterile boot things to go over their shoes because there isn’t even any dirt on the stairs, and you’d expect there to be a small amount at least.

I mean, what the fuck were they doing in here, that meant that they had to have this level of clean?

“Hey guys!” Riot calls from below just as we reach the top, and I look over the railing. “There are some security cameras dotted around the room; they’re small and painted white, so they aren’t obvious at first.”

“They’re on a closed circuit, so there should be a control room somewhere,” Ace points out from where he's standing with the others and glances at the door behind us.

“Got it,” Peter replies.

Nodding, I follow Pete up the rest of the stairs and through the door that is also unlocked, which doesn’t bode well for our hope that we’ll find something to help us in here.

“Oh, this is the control room for the cameras,” Pete exclaims, sounding surprised, which I have to admit I am too.

“It’s concerning me that there is no security in this place even though it's obvious that something is going on purely from the fact that the inside is painted white,” Jynx adds, looking around the room with a concerned frown.

“Yeah, I’m getting a weird feeling,” I agree, and then add, “Pete, do you think you can find anything out from the cameras?”

“I’ll be surprised if they haven’t wiped the entire system, but I’ll give it a go.” He pulls out a USB stick that he always seems to carry on him and then sits down in front of the screens as he boots it up and then sticks the USB in the right slot, pressing a few buttons and tapping away before he does anything else.