Page 49 of Keeping Promises

Heading inside, we’re instantly directed to our various appointments since this is an organisation hospital, and there are no long waits or anything else.

“I’m going to head with Jensen and Ever to make sure that he’s healing as he should, and then, if it's okay with you guys I want to check your files, too?” Luc says as we make our way down the sterile hallway to the rooms we’ve been told to go to.

“Yeah, that’s good with me.” Cash replies with a shrug, really not that bothered by it.

“I’d actually feel better if you looked over it, so go for it,” I add.

After that, Ever makes sure that Cash and I are both okay and that we don’t need her to come with us, and then once we’ve reassured her, she leaves with Jensen.

Cash is in the room next to mine, and I greet the doctor warmly when I walk into my room, recognising him from when we were, “Hey Doc, how’re you?”

“Isn't that supposed to be my line,” he chuckles, and I shrug with a grin as I take a seat, “I’m good. What we’re going to do today is give you another x-ray to ensure that your leg is healing how it should be. It is a fairly simple break, so I don’t see any reason why it shouldn’t be. Then, we’ll talk about your pain management and make sure that your other injuries are all healing how they should. Does that sound okay?”

I nod, “Yep. Sounds good to me. Let's get this done.”

Thankfully, the doctor works quickly, and I have to admit that I find the whole situation a lot easier than I thought I would. Before long, I’m sitting in the waiting room where I told the others I'd meet them, feeling optimistic. Thanks to how well it's healing, I should only need to keep the cast on for four more weeks, and then it will just be a case of building up strength in it again.

I can deal with that.

“Hey, what did the doctor say?” Cash asks as he walks into the room with a smile.

“Four more weeks, and then I can get it off,” I grin.

“Me too,” Cash replies with a giant smile. He hates it as much as I do. None of us were made to take it easy and sit idly.

“Thank fuck.” I reply and then add, “You know we probably won’t be able to help with extracting Rylie. Even if it takes that long to find her, we will have only just gotten out of casts.”

“I know, man,” Cash replies, “it sucks, but it is what it is. They will have plenty of backup, and we can stay in contact with them the whole time.”

“I just hate it,” I reply, knowing that he’s right.

“Me too,” he adds.

Thankfully, our conversation is interrupted as a grinning Jensen practically bounds into the room, looking far more energetic than I have seen him since he got injured.

“I take it it’s good news then?” I ask him with a smirk as I stand up and grab my crutches. I am thoroughly ready to get out of here. It may not have been as bad as I thought it was going to be, but I still don’t want to hang around. The others must feel the same because they all follow me down the hallway, Ever and Luc already waiting outside of the door.

“Yep,” Jensen’s smile is infectious, “Doc said I can start working out.”

Luc rolls his eyes, “And that’s why I went with you. He did not say that you could start working out. He said that you could start walking and then slowly build up to running when you feel ready, but absolutely no sparring.”

“Yeah, that’s what I said,” Jensen retorts, his lips twitching as we all get back into the car.

“What about you two?” Ever asks us as we start to head back home.

“Didn’t Luc look in our files?” I ask her with a slight frown.

“He did, but you guys didn’t give me permission, so I wanted to wait until you told me,” she explains.

“We honestly don’t mind; he could’ve told you,” Cash tells her with a soft smile, echoing what I was going to say.

“I know, but just in case, I wanted to wait for you guys to tell me, and besides, when Luc is in the zone, he tends to start talking in all this medical jargon that I can’t understand anyway.” She replies.

“Hey, I do not,” Luc exclaims from the driving seat.

“You totally do, man,” Jensen chuckles.

“Don’t worry, I find it super sexy. I just don’t understand it,” Ever reassures him, making him smile, and the rest of us burst out laughing.