Page 43 of Keeping Promises

“Oh, boohoo, you’ve got people who love and care about you enough to look after you even when you're being a grumpy shit,” Atlas replies, his eyebrow raised and a smile playing around the edge of his lips.

There’s silence for a brief moment before loud laughter sounds from the other end of the phone.

“Yeah, okay, I hear you,” Raiden replies, with knowing amusement in his tone, “I’ll stop bitching quite as much as I have been.”

“Yeah fucking right,” Wilder scoffs.

“I’m doing great, and I’m being good,” Saint’s voice comes through the phone, sounding proud that he’s being good.

“You are being the perfect patient,” Zemi replies.

“And that’s why he is,” Zep chuckles as the others make sounds of agreement.

“Damn, I should’ve thought of that,” Raiden’s voice says quietly.

Jynx, Atty, and I share a look. We can’t see what’s going on, but it’s obvious that Raiden has just realised that he’ll get more of Zemi’s attention if he’s a good patient and stops trying to fight her.

“We tried telling you, man,” Wilder mutters.

“Anyway, I hate to interrupt whatever realisation that you lot have just come to, but did you call for another reason or just to check in?” I ask them, getting them all back on track.

“Oh shit, yeah. Sorry, I got distracted,” Zemi replies, which is hardly surprising because it’s her go-to.

“That’s alright, Zem,” I reply as Jynx grins and mouths I like her.

I knew she would, and I hope they get to meet properly soon.

Raiden takes over then, his voice back into business mode, “We were actually calling to let you know that we’ve had a development in Jensen’s case. As you know, we’re mostly doing background and research at the moment because we want to know as much as possible before we bring him in because the team is going to be down two members since Saint and I can’t do anything but be lookouts.”

“You’ll be back to it in no time, man,” Atlas interrupts, sensing the frustration in Raiden’s tone, “Trick especially is struggling with it.”

“I know, we’ve been messaging,” Raiden replies, and that makes me smile. “Anyway, as I was saying. It turns out that Jensen’s mom and sister aren’t his only victims. He has them spread across the United States over a decade, all with the same type of killing and no apparent previous knowledge of the victims. For some reason, because his killings are so widespread and mostly in small towns that police themselves, a link wasn’t found until we started looking into it.”

“Fucking hell,” I reply, “if you guys need any help bringing him in, especially since you are going to be two team members down, let me know.”

“We will. We’re getting close to locating him now and narrowing it down, and it shouldn’t take us too much longer. As soon as we know for certain, we will let you know and also let you know if we need any help.” Raiden replies.

“I think we’ll most likely take you up on that offer though,” Zep adds, “none of us want this guy to escape, and I have a feeling that we’re only going to get one shot at capturing him if we fuck it up I doubt that we’ll be able to find him again. He’s managed to escape notice and capture for nearly a decade.”

“Yeah, he’s right,” Zemi adds, “we’ll call you in as soon as we have the location.”

“Great.” I reply, “Keep in touch anyway. I’ll let you know when we’re at headquarters next and can train again, Zemi.”

“Oh, yes, please. I've been practicing, and I think I’ve improved.” She says excitedly.

“Bye guys,” Zep chuckles as Zemi starts rambling.

“See you later,” Atty grins as I hang up the phone.

“Are you going to tell Jensen?” Jynx asks from the back seat.

“Definitely, he needs to know, and he would never forgive us if we didn’t tell him. Plus, the whole reason why they have taken on the case is because he understands that he couldn’t handle it, so I don’t think there will be a problem where that’s concerned, even if a few of our team have to go and help out,” I reply.

“I thought so, but I just wanted to check,” she replies, and then her tone brightens as she adds, “I really like the sound of Zemi and her men. You’re right; they’re definitely her men, but even I can tell they are deeply in denial.”

I grin, “I know, it’s amusing; they just need a little push in the right direction. They’re all thinking it, they just aren’t communicating and voicing how they feel with.”

“Are you going to play matchmaker?” Atlas asks with his eyebrow raised again.