Page 36 of Keeping Promises

“Do you two want a breakfast sandwich?” Rafe suddenly asks, and I tilt my head up so that I can see him. He moves into my sightline and kisses me upside down, making my toes curl as he takes his time.

Cash chuckles when Rafe steps back, and I remain staring up at him, looking dazed, and answers for the both of us, “Yes, we would both like breakfast sandwiches, please.”

Thankfully, my phone chooses that moment to buzz and snap me out of my lovestruck staring, which has the both of them chuckling quietly.

Deciding to ignore them both, I read the message from Peter and then grin, “Pete says he wants some of whatever Rafe is making for breakfast. He’s on his way up.”

Rafe chuckles, “I’m already making him his usual order; I figured he’d want something since he never misses breakfast.”

“Especially if you’re cooking,” Cash points out with a smile.

“I think he may be your biggest supporter. I have to fight him to be a taster whenever you cook something new.” I agree.

“Why don’t you just stop telling him that Rafe needs taste testers?” Cash asks, his eyebrows dipping slightly in the middle with his confusion.

“Because I did that once, and he was mad as a box of frogs. It’s just not worth it,” I reply with a wince.

“Fair enough. I’m going to go and finish everyone’s food,” Rafe tells me with a smile and a kiss.

Breakfast is delicious, of course, which is unsurprising since it was made by Rafe and it’s one of everyone’s favourites. It’s not long until Peter arrives, half asleep, and heads straight for the food before he wakes up enough to greet the rest of us.

“Alright, so what’s the plan for today?” he asks, sipping his coffee.

“You’re almost as bad as Ever is when she needs coffee,” Riot chuckles, earning himself one of Peter’s famous glares in the process.

“We’re going to see if your program has picked up anything, and then Jynx and I are going to talk to the guy who didn’t die when we rescued the guys,” I explain.

“Poor fucker,” Pete grins, not seeming to have any real feelings of sympathy for him.

“Did Elijah go off okay?” Trick asks.

“Yeah, they were all fine. Excited to get back to work. We’ve had a while off since the last job.” Pete replies and then suddenly sits up, looking excited, “Oh shit, I forgot to tell you. My fathers have asked if we all want to go to theirs for their annual New Year's Eve party in a few days?”

“I’m up for that. It’s been a while since we saw them, and their parties are always good fun.” Rage replies, the rest of us nodding in agreement.

“What did they say when you told them about the engagement?” I ask excitedly.

“We didn’t tell them. I want to tell them in person,” Peter replies with a smile and practically bouncing in his seat.

“That’s a great idea, and then I can see how over-the-top excited they get too,” I reply.

“Exactly,” Pete replies.

“I don’t see any reason why we can’t head over.” Trick starts, his eyebrows furrowed as he thinks, “We’d probably have to keep it short because of the Rylie case, but we can leave early New Year's Eve, so we’re there for the party. Does that work?”

Pete nods, looking happy. “Yeah, that works. I already told them that we had a case on, so if we do make it, we won’t be able to stay for very long.”

“Great, that’s settled then.” Trick says, looking around at the rest of us to make sure that we’re all in agreement.

Peter stands up, “Has everyone finished?” when we all nod that we have, he adds, “Great, I’ll set up in the front room so that everyone can see. I had a quick look before I came over here, and the program has finished doing its thing, so I can just bring up the map on the TV and show you her last locations, according to her check-ins.”

“Great work, man, let’s do this,” Atlas says, sounding more than ready to get to it. I think we all are.

Peter wastes no time in getting everything hooked up and put up on the TV, and it’s not long until I’m staring at a map with around five red dots on it.

“Okay, they’re more spread out than I thought they would be,” Atlas says, leaning forward slightly in his chair.

“That suggests to me that she’s either following someone or following a lead,” I reply.