Page 30 of Keeping Promises

Alaric accepts it gracefully but, at the same time, looks super awkward, and the fact that D and Ryan are in the background trying to hide their laughter at his discomfort makes the whole thing even more amusing.

Everyone ends up leaving super late, stuffed with food and taking leftovers back with them as well. Our goodbyes are drawn out since most of them are leaving early tomorrow, and we won’t get the chance to say goodbye before they leave. Everyone offers to help clear up, but it’s gone midnight; we’re all exhausted and happily stuffed, which is making us more sleepy, so I tell everyone to just leave, and the guys and I will do it tomorrow. All of the food is wrapped or cleared away. It's really just wrapping paper and dishes and that sort of thing that needs to be done.

They all reluctantly agree, I think, only because they’re just as exhausted as we are before Lyric and Jynx say that they’ll be back at some point tomorrow to help tidy it, but not to expect them too early because they both want lie-ins.

The rest of us can easily agree to that.

Just like last night I find myself zombie walking to my bedroom, and I’m not even sure if I manage to take my clothes off or if anyone is with me when I fall asleep, I am honestly that tired, it’s been a manic and busy few days and even before that we were on a job and the guys being injured, we’ve not stopped, I’ve not stopped and I’m absolutely shattered because of it.

I wouldn’t change it for the world. I have enjoyed the last few days immensely, and I’ve loved having the family at our house. I also loved that all parts of my family ended up getting on really well, and there wasn’t any extra information given that some people shouldn’t have heard, so that was a bonus.

I fall asleep with a giant smile on my face, my heart happy.


We’re having a lazy start to the day today after the craziness of the last few days, and none of us get up until well past midday. We’ve already said goodbye to the parents and to D, Alaric, and Ryan, who all had to take off early this morning due to other commitments, whether that was work or more relatives to see.

I refuse to get dressed today or put on a bra, so leggings, big fluffy socks, and an oversized jumper are my current attire. I’m currently curled up in our library corner, looking out at the gently falling snow and enjoying one of Rafe’s famous hot chocolates. It’s morning, so it's just a normal one and the most comforting thing ever. Watching the snow and listening to the guy's gentle hum of chatter fills me with a content happiness, and I just enjoy the moment.

Chapter Eleven

Soon enough, Jynx is going to arrive to help with the clear-up from Christmas day, and then it’s back to normal and the hustle and bustle of our everyday lives. We’d usually have a few more days off if not a week or two, but thanks to the Rylie situation, we’re not going to have that this year. We’re going to jump straight into work, and I’m looking forward to it. I need to find Rylie and Pete’s program should be done pretty soon so that we can make a proper start.

Until then, though, I’m going to enjoy this little bubble of calm serenity that seems to surround me, and the moment is made even more perfect when Runa decides to come out of hiding and hop up onto my blanket covered lap, purring loudly and kneading her little paws until she decides I’m comfortable enough and lays down.

She always disappears when there are too many people here and then wants extra love when they go. It’s one of my favourite things about her. That and she always seems to know when I need her, even if it's for nothing more than a cuddle.

I swear her purrs are magic; they always make me feel better.

“Do you mind if I join you?” Jensen asks me, having successfully managed to sneak up on me silently again.

I smile and then raise my eyebrows as I see the second Veil Diaries book in his hand. Pointing at it, I ask, “How the hell have you managed to get onto the second book already after the few days that we’ve had?”

He takes a seat opposite me with his own hot chocolate in his hand and places it on the small round table next to his chair; he smiles and replies, “One, I have been taking it a lot easier than the rest of you, because I need to rest so that I can heal quicker and my mind stays occupied for longer if I’m reading. The second reason is that I may or may not have stayed up late last night reading.”

I grin, “I told you that you would love them.”

“I really do, and I love that there’s so many in the series. I’m not good with short series.”

“Me neither,” I reply.

As he reads, we lapse into silence again, and I watch the snow falling outside and stroke Runa, who is still purring happily away in my lap. It’s these moments that I treasure and look forward to in our hectic lives.

A kiss on the top of my head brings out me of my musings, and I glance up at a smiling Trick, “Rome just called me. Jynx and the guys are heading up, and Dominic messaged about thirty minutes ago to say that they would be up in an hour or so.”

“I guess that’s my cue to get up then,” I reply with a smile.

“You’re okay for a bit longer,” he smiles. “Oh, Noel called about the job they’re starting tomorrow and to get all of their case details.”

“I forgot about that,” Jensen says, and I had no idea that he was paying attention to what we were saying; I thought he was too engrossed in the book.

“Me too,” I reply, “that means that we won’t see Pete or Elijah today. They’ll be holed up together like they usually are before one of them goes on a job.”

“Good point,” Trick replies, “we haven’t got anything planned for today, have we?”

“No, the girls are just coming up to help sort the mess from yesterday, not that there’s a lot to do, mostly just burning paper and any burnable rubbish from yesterday.”

“Fire,” Jensen says, his eyes still on the page of his book, and when Trick and I just stare at him, waiting for him to finish the sentence, his lips twitch slightly, but he doesn’t say a word.