Page 18 of Keeping Promises

Lyric winces, “Oh yeah, good point. Well, in that case, you can enjoy watching everyone else with me. I’m happy to share my mom-mocktails, as Ezra named them. I have to say, I’ve already seen the banter between D, Alaric, and Ryan, and it’s fucking hilarious. I cannot wait to see what they’re like when they’re drunk.”

“Thank you. Yeah, Jynx warned us.” I reply, smiling as I watch Ezra and Ace start to bring out various liquors and ingredients and put them on the table before heading back into the kitchen.

Lyric nudges me to gain my attention, and I glance over at her to find her face serious, “How are you really, with everything that Alaric said? Are you good?”

I smile, and check in with myself, “Yeah, surprisingly I’m good. I just wanted to fill in that blank, as it were, and his explanation did that as best as he could. It’s stopped the mind-spinning questions for now, at least. Although I’d love to hear what happened after he left her from Rylie herself, I have a feeling that is one good story.”

“We’ll get her back, and then you can ask her,” she reassures me.

“I know. I just hope it doesn’t take too long. I hate the thought of her being in danger.”

“Of course you do, and I know this has been said a lot, but I’m going to say it again: as it currently stands with the information that you have, you are doing everything that you possibly can. Pete has his computer doing its thing, and you can’t do anything else right now,” she tells me firmly.

I smile, “I know, and I’m okay with that for now. Of course, it helps that we’re going to be incredibly busy over the next few days.”

Chapter Seven


Iplace a chocolate and candy cane cocktail in front of Ever proudly, but before I tell her what’s in it, I say, “Ace helped Peter to do something with the program that Peter has running, and it's working even more efficiently now.”

“He’s right,” Peter says from across the table, looking at Ever’s drink suspiciously, which makes me suppress a smile. He doesn’t say anything though, as he continues, “Dude’s a fucking genius; he looked at it for like five minutes, identified an area that could be improved, improved it, and had it running better than I ever could all within that time. I’m in awe of him, seriously.”

“Aw, man, you’re going to make me blush,” Ace teases as he places a drink in front of Jynx, who is sitting next to Pete and Mal.

“Good, honestly, I can’t even wrap my head around what you did and the time that you did it in. I mean, I know that you’ve been trained to do it since you were fucking tiny, but damn, you have a gift.” Peter replies.

“Thank you,” Ace says more sincerely.

“I’m going to stop fangirling now. I promise,” Peter grins and makes everyone who’s listening laugh.

“Alright, to save Pete and Ace from further praise, why don’t you tell us what exactly we have in front of us and why Jynx, Lyric, and I are the only ones who have cocktails?” Ever asks me, looking up at me curiously and making me want to kiss her.

I can’t help myself when she looks like that, so I don’t even bother to try and hold back. Instead, I lean forward and press my lips against hers before I inwardly curse because I need to take a seat. Fortunately, the seat next to her is empty, so I sit down.

Ezra starts to explain, “So we made three main cocktails, and the loves of our lives get to try them first, which is why Jynx, Ever, and Lyric all have them. They’re all different, and we’ll each explain."

"I thought D and Ryan already had one?" Ever asks curiously.

"They had the tester ones before we perfected them," I reply.

Ezra takes over the explanation again, giving Ever a look for interrupting him, which has her smirking and sticking her tongue out at him, which he ignores as he says, "Lyric's is obviously the one that has no alcohol in it; it’s a virgin cosmopolitan and has cranberry juice, freshly squeezed lime, and lemonade because I know you don’t like sparkling water and fresh orange juice with a sugar and lime rim and because it’s your craving I also added some pickled onions, but don’t worry unless you request it I won’t put them on anyone else’s glasses.”

I burst out laughing along with the others at the absolutely adoring look that Lyric gives Ezra, “You are so getting lucky tonight.”

Those words set everyone off laughing again, and it takes a while to calm down; it always amuses me the stuff that she comes up with, and to be honest, that’s one of the reasons Jynx, Ever, and her get on so well, we never know what any of them are going to say next, and it keeps us all on our toes especially when they’re together.

“Well, I think it’s safe to say that Lyric’s drink went down well,” Ace chuckles and then turns to Jynx, “your drink is an eggnog martini. It’s got eggnog, obviously, vanilla vodka, amaretto, nutmeg, cinnamon, and is garnished with a silver sugar cinnamon stick.”

I have to admit that out of the three of them, that one is my favourite. It’s fucking delicious and far too easy to drink, which means several of them are going to be absolutely wasted by the end of the evening.

Ace watches Jynx closely as she takes a sip, and her eyes practically roll back in her head, “Oh fuck me, that is absolutely delicious and dangerous as hell. I could be sipping them all night and only realise I’m drunk when I stand up and promptly fall on my ass.”

“I want one of those,” Peter announces loudly, and without prompting, Jynx smirks and hands her drink over to him. He smiles and promptly takes a sip, “Oh, yeah, these are definitely my drink of choice for the next day, hell the whole of Christmas, these are mine.”

“I want to see which one Jensen picked,” Ever replies, smiling over at me. My heart still skips a beat when she looks at me like that; it makes me feel so incredibly loved, and I hope that never changes.

“Why thank you, Angel,” I smirk, and then dramatically clear my throat, which does what I hope and makes Ever’s smile widen, “I have made my beautiful girlfriend an Irish cream mudslide cocktail because I know how much you love Rafe’s hot chocolate with a twist. So, this one has vodka, coffee liquor, Irish cream, and it has chocolate syrup, grated chocolate, and candy canes to make them pretty.”